Coffee review

Introduction of San Teresa FST Manor in Panama the flavor of Panamanian coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) when the moisture in the Pacific and Atlantic meets, when the wind blows, there will be mist in the mountains of Panama. Locals call it bajareque, which not only can often see rainbows, but also allows coffee trees to grow better. Across the hills, there are valleys

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When the water vapor of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean meet, when the wind blows, there will be waves of mist in the mountains of Panama. Locals call it "bajareque", which not only can often see rainbows, but also allows coffee trees to grow better.

Across the hills, there are valleys. The winding stream and the pristine trees separate the land where coffee is grown. The moving natural scene makes St. Teresa Manor have more subtle and small climate changes in addition to the large-scale climate conditions.

Located at a high altitude, Finca Santa Teresa, FST has a unique rich black volcanic soil and is moistened by Pacific and Atlantic winds, which makes FST's quality coffee.

FST is located in a series of beautiful valleys and ridges, creating different microclimates and giving FST each microbatch a different personality.

FST is located at an altitude of 1400-1800 meters, and coffee-growing plots are separated by natural vegetation, streams or vast primeval forests. Through environmentally friendly planting and treatment, all wastes related to the production process are recovered as fertilizers or used as fuel sources for coffee drying. The water is taken from local streams and has been approved by the local environmental protection department in Panama.

Santa Teresa Manor has passed the "UTZ certification". What makes it special is that it has the spirit of "giving him fish to eat and teaching him to fish at the same time." through technical training and the transfer of business knowledge, it can improve the living conditions of workers.

Children and women are another focus of the certification. Parental leave and the prohibition of child labor are prerequisites. Children not only have the right to education, but also enjoy health insurance with their mothers, and St. Teresa's children have their own football team.

In the part of environmental protection, in addition to certain regulations on water use, the leftovers from the production process will also be recycled into compost or used as energy for drying coffee beans.

Qianjie recommended cooking data:

Hand punch: V60 water temperature 90 ℃ small Fuji R440 grinding 3.5

The recommended grinding degree of normal pressure is 4 and the water temperature is 90 ℃.

The recommended siphon grinding degree is 4, and the water temperature is 90 ℃ ~ 91 ℃.

The pressure grinding degree of Philharmonic is recommended to be 3.5, and the water temperature is 90 ℃.