Coffee review

Where is Guangzhou Blue bottle Coffee The Blue Bottle Coffee? Is the blue bottle coffee authentic?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Blue bottle Coffee The Blue Bottle Coffee address: urban Construction Building 103H Shop (189th Sports West Road, Tianhe District) Guangzhou Guangdong China + 86 20 3889 2279 Blue bottle Coffee (English: Blue Bottle Coffee) is a chain of Nestl é.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Blue bottle Coffee The Blue Bottle Coffee address:

Shop 103H of urban construction building (189 Sports West Road, Tianhe District)




+ 86 20 3889 2279

Blue bottle Coffee (English: Blue Bottle Coffee) is the name of a Nestle coffee chain and its stores, headquartered in Oakland, California. It is characterized by a focus on single-origin coffee [1] and is famous for its high-quality coffee-making process, as described in the official blending process.

Location distribution

The company was originally established in Oakland, California, but soon expanded to other regions. Its coffee shop has expanded to many areas of San Francisco, including the Ferry Building and the roof garden of the Museum of Modern Art. [2] Blue bottle had 29 stores in 2016 and is expected to have more than 50 by the end of 2017, covering California, New York, Washington, Miami and Tokyo. [3]

Historical evolution

In the early 2000s, W James Freeman founded Blue bottle Coffee in Oakland, California. The name "Blue bottle Coffee" comes from the Blue bottle Cafe (The Blue Bottle Coffee House), Europe's first coffee shop. Blue bottle coffee was first engaged in coffee delivery service, but this service was soon suspended and transferred to the business of traditional cafes. [4]

Blue bottle Coffee operates in San Francisco and the San Francisco Bay area, and opened its first in New York City in 2010. [5] Blue bottle coffee is sold in more obscure varieties such as Gibraltar. [2] in San Francisco, its main competitors include four buckets of coffee and art coffee. [6]

In 2012, Blue bottle Coffee received $20 million in venture capital.

In 2015, Blue bottle Coffee completed a round of venture capital, receiving $70 million from Fidelity investors.

Since its inception, the company has raised 120 million dollars from investors

In September 2017, Nestl é, the world's largest food and beverage company, bought a majority stake in Blue bottle Coffee. [10] although financial details of the deal were not released, the Financial Times said: "Nestl é is said to be paying $500m for a 68 per cent stake in Blue bottle Coffee", followed by a public acquisition statement confirming the acquisition. [11] sales of blue bottle coffee are expected to increase by 70% in 2017.

Enter the Japanese market

On February 6, 2015, Blue bottle Coffee opened its first overseas branch in the United States in Hiraye, Kangdong District, Tokyo, Japan (near Chengbai River Station). [13] [14] in addition, at the opening ceremony of Shibuya Movita, a Shibuya department store in Yukawa-cho, Shibuya District, Tokyo, the "POTLUCK" coffee shop, which opened on October 23, 2009, already offered "blue bottle coffee" products. [15] but the coffee shop closed about a year later.

Thus it can be seen that Guangzhou Blue bottle Coffee The Blue Bottle Coffee and Blue bottle Coffee Blue Bottle Coffee are Li Gui and Li Kui at all.