Coffee review

Blue bottle Coffee official website Blue bottle Coffee China recruitment Blue bottle Coffee bottle will be where?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Chinese blue bottle coffee European and American style boutique coffee, simple natural blue bottle coffee environment, strong modern flavor, these three constitute the main elements of blue bottle coffee; this is what coffee lovers pursue, but also the Chinese blue bottle coffee we present to consumers.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Chinese Blue bottle Coffee

European and American style boutique coffee, simple and natural

Blue bottle coffee

The environment and strong modern flavor constitute the main elements of blue bottle coffee; this is what coffee lovers pursue, and it is also the Chinese blue bottle coffee that we present to consumers.

Chinese Blue bottle Coffee is a coffee chain project developed on the basis of absorbing the quintessence of European and American coffee culture and according to the characteristics of Chinese coffee consumption. The name of "Blue bottle Coffee" is to express our respect for Vienna coffee culture, the pursuit of coffee quality, and the love of coffee industry.

The coffee culture sought by blue bottle coffee is just like the production of cups of blue bottle coffee. It needs professional knowledge, professional spirit, meticulous, bit by bit, and strive to inherit and spread the wonderful coffee culture.

In blue bottles, coffee is for taste and enjoyment, and making every cup of fragrant coffee is more important than anything else. Do not need a luxurious environment, a chair, a small table, coupled with enthusiasm for coffee production, is enough for you to enjoy a good cup of coffee.

Professional blue bottle coffee

Professional grade coffee beans

A good cup of coffee needs high-quality coffee beans to achieve. Blue bottle coffee strictly selects 100% Arabica coffee beans. This aristocratic delicate bean needs to be carefully cultivated for 4-5 years before it can be harvested, and its yield is extremely rare.

Arabica coffee beans are born with woody and fresh aromas. the coffee made from Arabica coffee is delicate and soft with a particularly mellow taste. Blue bottle coffee according to the characteristics of Arabica coffee beans, through moderate roasting, awaken the unique rich flavor of coffee, so that each drop of coffee has enough mellow performance.

-Professional baking

Blue bottle coffee only chooses slow roasting to process coffee beans, as this is the best way to ensure that the most authentic and natural taste and aroma of coffee beans are extracted. Each batch of blue bottle coffee beans is roasted at a low temperature for at least 18 minutes and stops immediately before the oil in the coffee beans is roasted. Therefore, the natural oil in the coffee beans can be fully preserved and will not be lost. It is not fully released until it is delivered to the store and ground by the blue bottle barista to ensure that you can feel the aroma released by natural oil in each cup of blue bottle coffee.

-Professional evaluation

For non-professionals, a coffee bean is a coffee bean. But in Blue bottle, we have professional tasters who devote their whole life to the tracing, inspection and blending of coffee beans. Every day, the blue bottle team carries out precise inspection, cup test and record on the acidity, mellowness, sweetness, bitterness and aroma of blue bottle coffee beans. Coffee beans that do not meet the standard are not allowed to be sent to blue bottle stores to make coffee. Make sure that every drop of blue bottle coffee is a high-quality product.

Professional baristas

A perfect cup of coffee lies not only in high-quality coffee beans, but also in superb production skills, attention to detail and enthusiasm for coffee.

Every blue bottle barista must receive a series of professional and rigorous training in the Blue bottle Coffee College to enhance their in-depth understanding of the art of coffee making. Therefore, every cup of blue bottle coffee delivered to you is the perfect professional hand-made coffee made by blue bottle barista. Blue bottle Coffee insists on grinding coffee beans before cooking each cup of coffee, from grinding to blending, and each step is completed at once to ensure the freshest and delicate taste of the coffee.

Blue bottle Vision

With the opening of Guangzhou Blue bottle Coffee Shop in 2012, the development of Blue bottle Coffee has turned a new page. With professional quality, reasonable price, considerate

Service, blue bottle coffee shop has been favored by consumers. Simple environment, fresh style, contains simple European and American coffee culture, blue bottle coffee brings people a fresh feeling. Blue bottle coffee shop has become a good place for coffee lovers around, and enough to compete with the surrounding international brand coffee shops.

Coffee quality is always the most concern of Blue bottle Coffee. Blue bottle coffee will ensure the quality of coffee from bean selection, equipment and barista training. Blue bottle coffee pursues the individualization of quality. in addition to using semi-automatic coffee machine, blue bottle coffee uses traditional siphon pot, Belgian pot and ice drop pot and light wave stove to make single coffee to meet the taste needs of different customers.

Blue bottle pursues the simple and natural store style and abandons all luxurious and flashy decorative elements. Our focus is always on the production of coffee, and others are as simple and economical as possible. White birch, Kraft paper and bluish blue constitute the main color of blue bottle coffee. We emphasize texture, because texture will give us more natural feelings and make us closer to and integrate with nature. These elements are reflected in the blue bottle coffee shop.

Blue bottle advocates the coffee culture of Europe and the United States, which can bring us a higher quality of life. We stress sharing and are willing to communicate more with coffee fans. Sitting on a wooden chair, around a small wooden round table, holding a cup of fragrant blue bottle coffee, talking and listening freely, this is the perfect artistic conception that blue bottle coffee pursues.

In the future, we aim to systematize and standardize blue bottle coffee, and promote it throughout the country in the form of joining, so as to share the quality of life brought to us by coffee lovers.