Coffee review

Guma Village / Guma treatment Plant, Qilin Yaga Town, Kenya, TOP AB grade water washed bean flavor and mouth

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Kilin Yajia Town, Kenya Guma Village / Guma processing Plant TOP AB grade waterwashed bean flavor and taste characteristics? September 2017 Coffee Review 95 batches our factory PB batches, November 2016 coffee review 97 points, 2016 coffee revie

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Flavor and taste characteristics of TOP AB grade water washed beans from Guma Village / Guma treatment Plant, Yaga Town, Kirin, Kenya?

September 2017 Coffee Review 95 batches

Our processing plant PB batch, November 2016 coffee review 97 points, 2016 coffee review ranking first

Kenya Kirinyaga Guama AB TOP

Country Kenya (Kenya)

Qilin Yajia Town (Kirinyaga)

1628m above sea level

Variety SL28, SL34

Small farmer Guama in the cooperative of producer Guma processing Plant (Guama Factoary)

Treatment Plant Guma processing Plant (Guama Factory)

Traditional Kenyan washing treatment

The Guma treatment plant is located in the Kirin Yaga production area and belongs to the Balagwe Cooperative (Baragwi FCS), one of the largest cooperatives in Kenya, with a total of 12 washing plants and about 12000 small farmers. Sister processing plants of the Guma processing plant, including Gachami and Githiururi, are very well-known hot processing plants in the boutique coffee industry. The Guma processing plant has become a popular must-grab since we first introduced it last year and won the top spot on the annual coffee review list with 97 points at the end of the year.

The batch of round beans we introduced earlier sold out immediately, and the 95-point batch of AB on the shelves should not be missed by those who like high-quality Kenya.

Cup test essay:

Bright, deep sweetness, red currant, honey, hibiscus, silky taste. A long finish, with aromas of flowers, red fruit, honey nuts and elegant musk myrrh. The above flavors are excerpted from the Coffee Review website.