Coffee review

Shenzhen one-person Cafe-Cafe with coffee recommended for quiet weekend in Shenzhen

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) just as a thousand people have a thousand hamlets in their eyes, I believe there are a thousand good cafes in the eyes of a thousand people, after all, everyone has different perceptions and requirements for taste, environment and service, so the following recommendations are based on personal preferences and are for reference only

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Just like "there are a thousand hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people", I believe that "there are a thousand good cafes in the eyes of a thousand people". After all, everyone has different perceptions and requirements for taste, environment and service, so the following recommendations are based entirely on personal preferences, for reference only, and do not have the effect of any authoritative guide.

Coffee shop / coffee for one person in Shenzhen

There is coffee, not just coffee.

Coffee is a person's cafe, and that is YOYO, who graduated from a deep vocational college. By coincidence, she rented the corner seat upstairs and made a lot of desserts in addition to making coffee. If I don't have enough interest, I think it's really difficult for a person to deal with so many things at the same time.

The area of the cafe is small, and because it is next to the university, many of the guests are students and the atmosphere is relaxed. Staying here, there is really an illusion of going back in time.

The small bar makes countless happy coffee and desserts.

There is no formal door to the cafe, and outside the glass door is a billiard table

And next to a bar.

The private table by the window. The desktop is beautifully patterned and seems to be made of tiles.

The position directly opposite the bar is very interesting. It happens to be a groove.

Being in it feels like being in a cave.

This cup of depth bomb won my heart.

YOYO said it was made with concentrated soda and lemon, which is suitable for me with a heavy taste.


The third floor of Xili Wangtang Building, Nanshan District (opposite the west gate of the east campus of Shenzhen Vocational College)


Metro Line 5 / 7 Xili Station F exit 790 meters walk

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There's coffee.