Coffee review

Chengdu Boutique Cafe Recommended-INVISI COFFEE SHOP Chengdu characteristic cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) If you want a Chengdu person to say how to start a day, it will be three days and three nights. Have you been to the most delicious coffee shop in Chengdu? Chengdu Boutique Cafe. INVISI COFF

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

If you want a Chengdu person to say how to live a good life, it will take three days and three nights to finish. Have you been to the most delicious coffee shop in Chengdu?

Chengdu Boutique Cafe. INVISI COFFEE SHOP says: I said all the wine is not as good as you

Recommendation: Irish coffee, orange wine latte

Formerly HMP CRAFT coffee shop, many people are looking for coffee shop there, now renamed INVISI more mysterious, originally to hide in the coffee complex taste experience, but also has coffee boutique high-level hidden meaning, Li Siying think these can not be achieved overnight, fortunately take time to find.

If you have follow INVISI-COFFEE micro bo, may for the door trophy will be a little more experience, small to brew coffee water store manager are "bitter" post comparison, water for coffee become a need to chat and chat daily.

Signature Irish coffee comes with wine flavor, many people are directed at Li Siying's craft, Irish coffee was originally a beautiful misunderstanding caused by the bad weather in 1943, Forns flight delay to Finland, cross-border cooperation wine and coffee one mouthful after another, cream with bitter coffee, caramel taste extended the taste, followed by warm hot whiskey straight to the throat, burning and hearty. However, this drink can not drive, low alcohol content can try orange flavor orange alcohol latte oh.