Coffee review

Hangzhou Independent Cafe recommends A Long Time Coffee long time Coffee Mini and exquisite Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Hangzhou independent cafe A Long Time Coffee coffee for a long time: love for coffee, long recommended reason independent coffee shop facade design, black logo word + gray background and clean floor-to-ceiling glass doors appear to be very low-key, this is long time coffee. Shop name

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Hangzhou Independent Cafe A Long Time Coffee long Coffee: love for Coffee, long time

Reason for recommendation

Independent coffee shop's small facade design, black logos + gray background and clean floor-to-ceiling glass doors appear very low-key, this is long time coffee.

Shop name: A Long Time Coffee long time Coffee

Category: Hangzhou Cafe

Address: 446 Zhongshan North Road (near the intersection of the stadium)

Tel: 1391 6947448

Business hours: 13916947448

Opening time:


Per capita consumption: 42


Long Coffee, located on Zhongshan North Road, is a very mini coffee shop. Independent coffee shop's small facade design, black logos + gray background and clean floor-to-ceiling glass doors appear very low-key, it is easy to miss the shop, is a good coffee, dessert is also good, the shop is as comfortable as the owner.

There is a La Marzocco coffee machine on the simple bar, and the wall is decorated with photos, books and magazines. The simple COFFEE lamp lights up and gives off a blue glow, and suddenly there is a blurred illusion.

On both sides of the wall are handwritten Kraft paper coffee menus and picture album dessert menus, which can make coffee and make their own desserts. American style, Italian style and special flavor range from 25 to 36 yuan, while hand flushing varies according to the specific price of beans.

Although the coffee beans in the store are not self-baked, they are also carefully selected, and cinnamon coffee has the highest attendance here. Order a cup of coffee, appreciate the smell of coffee, the afternoon sun shines on the glass on the bar mottled, feeling very beautiful.

Desserts are mainly cookies and Qi Feng, cookies alone will have some sweetness, but it happens to be the most compatible food with coffee. The most popular is a cinnamon banana cake, which is worth a try.

The picture is from the Internet.