Coffee review

Wuhan boutique coffee shop recommended-Amri boutique coffee shop Wuhan self-baking independent coffee shop

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Wuhan boutique coffee shop-Emri boutique coffee shop: good quality coffee here wonderful presentation reason Emri boutique coffee shop and this 12-meter-long bar, you can watch a wonderful performance by the barista. Name of the shop: Amrijing

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Wuhan boutique coffee shop-Emri boutique coffee shop: good quality coffee is presented here

Reason for recommendation

Emri boutique coffee shop also has this 12-meter-long bar, along which you can watch a wonderful "performance" of the barista.

Name: Emri boutique coffee shop

Category: Wuhan Cafe

Add: C109B, Huayuan Road Commercial Street, Qing Qing Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Tel: 1387 1014453 18986175624

Business hours: 09:00 A.M. -24:00 sharp.

Opening time:


Per capita consumption: 35

Other: free Wi-Fi is suitable for taking photos

In the comfortable and quiet business district of Garden Road, there is such an inconspicuous small cafe, the door is not open, it is even difficult to find, but it is the person who packs coffee in and out, so that passers-by can not help but take a look.

Glass floor-to-ceiling doors and windows make the whole space very bright, during which you will be shocked by the wall painting, blue bottom, metal sculpture, three-dimensional sense and design sense, which all come from the personal design of the shopkeeper.

Emri boutique coffee shop also has this 12-meter-long bar, along which you can watch a wonderful "performance" of the barista.

Here, the shopkeeper selects coffee beans and bakes them himself. not only is there a wide variety of coffee beans, but also the quality is his pride.

The environment of the whole cafe is simple and textured, and the details highlight the taste. if you just want to take out a cup of good quality, you might as well enjoy it while you wait.

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