Coffee review

Kunming Internet Cafe Cafe-1000Pink cafe recommended Cafe suitable for taking photos in Kunming

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Kunming Internet Cafe 1000Pink cafe this is a newly opened shop have you found that just as its name this shop is really very Pink here pink panther, ocean ball, bathtub accessories are super suitable for patting, even coffee and coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Kunming Internet Cafe Cafe 1000Pink cafe

This is a new store.

Have you fairies found anything?

Just like the name of its store.

This store is really Pink.

The Pink Panther, Ocean Ball, bathtub here

All kinds of accessories are suitable for patting.

Even coffee and desserts are photogenic.

Have both beauty and delicacy

Sometimes I can't stop filming.

Even the landlady is very enthusiastic.

Will take the initiative to take pictures.

Will also tell guests where to take a good picture.

Will you just take pictures and forget to drink coffee when you come here?

It's possible.

But I have to say,

The coffee is delicious, too.

Recommend to you: rainbow mousse

Do you see that you are reluctant to give up?

The taste is too sweet, and it is super sweet in my heart.

A young girl's heart is also good.

You read it right, that is: maiden heart!

Eat this girl's heart.

Be more girlish in the future

Address: opposite Societe Generale Bank, 18 Sujiatang Road

Tel: 1398 1638305

Thank you for reading.