Coffee review

India single Manor boutique coffee beans in addition to wind stains Malaba India what kind of coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee in India. A lot of coffee is grown in the Gozhi Mountains in western India, where the southwest monsoon is crucial to coffee growth. Except in Karnataka, the best coffee is in Trichet in the southwestern state of Kerala.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Indian coffee

Coffee is grown in the Gaozhi Mountains in western India, and the southwest monsoon is crucial to coffee growth there. In addition to Karnataka, good coffee is grown in Tellichery and Malabar in the southwestern state of Kerala, as well as in Nilgiris in the southeastern state of TamilNadu (formerly known as Madras).

The southwestern state of Karnataka is the main producing area, and coffee beans are in the shape of large grains. The coffee beans from the southeastern state of Tamil Nadu, though small in size, are an advanced variety of Indian coffee.

In the traditional coffee market, Indian coffee beans are mostly wind-stained Malaba, sometimes with cheap Arabica in large baking factories, and its flavor has never been a favorite tonality. Among the three Indian beans tested this time, the one from a single manor at high altitude is the most stunning. Sweeping away the stereotype of traditional Indian coffee beans, it feels a little fresh.

INDIA PL-AAA, India, from Godagu County, Tanataka State, India, Hankudi Manor (HANCODE), 1000 meters above sea level, washing treatment, front, middle and back balance, acid quality and sweet feeling are also good.

INDIA PL-SO, India, from the youngest daughter town (Chikkamagaluru) manor in Chikmagalur County, Karnataka, India, has the best acidity, cleanliness and texture.

INDIA PL-HA, India, comes from the Babbudangri Mountains in the Indian state of Tanataka at an altitude of 1600 meters. Legend has it that in 1600, an Indian Muslim Baba Bhutan went on a pilgrimage to Mecca and became obsessed with coffee, so he hid seven coffee seeds and took a boat home to return to Chikmagalur in Qikma, southern India, where he was planted in Mount Gandrogiri. This is the first example in history that raw bean coffee went smoothly and was successfully planted outside Yemen. later, in memory of him, India named the mountain Baba Budan Giri. The above three kinds of Indian coffee all have the characteristics of drupe and fragrant wood.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://