Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor characteristics of Columbia linglong coffee beans is Columbia linglong coffee good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). The main producing areas in Colombia are Huila (San Augustin), Narino, Tolima, Popayan (Cauca), Valle de Cauca, Meta, Antioquia (Medellin), Magdelena (Sierra Nevada), Boyaca, Santander.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The main producing areas in Colombia are Huila (San Augustin), Narino, Tolima, Popayan (Cauca), Valle de Cauca, Meta, Antioquia (Medellin), Magdelena (Sierra Nevada), Boyaca, Santander (Bucaramanga) and so on. The Narino province of Columbia is located in the southwest of Colombia and is located in the highest region of the country. San Juan de Pasto, the provincial capital, borders Ecuador (Ecuador) and faces the Pacific Ocean. Coffee cultivation is a very important economic pillar for Columbia province, where traditionally small coffee farmers have planted less than one hectare. Most of the coffee growing areas in the province are alpine terrain belonging to the Andes, remote mountains, steep mountains, blown by the Pacific sea breeze, the provincial capital San Juan de Pasto. At the same time, Narino Province of Columbia is also one of the important coffee producing areas in Colombia. although its planting area is the smallest of the 14 large producing areas, the whole territory has the natural environmental conditions of special valley microclimate, so the coffee quality is the best, and it has the reputation of "Holy Grail of the Pope" since ancient times.

Columbia is the highest elevation in Colombia, coffee trees in some places can grow more than 2200 meters, Columbia is located very close to the Ecuadorian border, is the southwestern province of Colombia, in terms of latitude, almost at the equator, once north of the equator. Due to the high altitude, the temperature remains between 16 and 25 degrees Celsius, allowing coffee to grow. Mount Galeras is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Its rich volcanic soil and high altitude make Nalinglong an excellent coffee producing area with a very special flavor. Tasnaque, which belongs to the city of Yacuanquer, near Mount Galera, is actually a very dangerous area, but it is also one of the best coffee producers in Columbia.

Colombian coffee is widely sold among many producing countries, ranking the third largest in the world (the first is Brazilian coffee and the second is Vietnamese coffee). The main factor is that active volcanic activity has created the most fertile soil in the world. grow coffee beans that are sweet, rich, very pleasing and easy to brew successfully Whether it is simple black coffee or a variety of Colombian coffee formula coffee is a good choice. In recent years, Colombian coffee has broken away from the old impression that it can only be used as a base coffee because of a coffee competition that has increased farmers' income. before that, it was regarded as commercial Dazong beans or base formula beans less alone to become boutique coffee.

Most of the Colombian coffee species are Caturra, and the estates will be mixed with some Typica, Buorbon, etc. Almost all administrative regions have excellent producing areas and estates. About 500000 people in Colombia are engaged in coffee production and surrounding work, and 75% of the coffee is exported to countries around the world. After more than 10 years of research and development, Colombia's unique water washing method has reduced water consumption by 95% and reduced pollution by 90%. Not only maintain the ecology of nature, but also make coffee beans a little more changes to increase the sense of hierarchy.

The southern Colombian Narino region near Ecuador has a reputation for producing the Holy Grail used by the Vatican and is the favorite producing area of the world's largest coffee chain. Most of the coffee it buys rarely appears on the market. Raw bean merchants appear in the market only through direct transactions or a few high-quality coffee estates, but that is also very few. Model Sang Manor (Reversal Del Patron) is the best coffee in Columbia, with few defective beans and uniform particle size of about 18 meshes. The round, smooth, sapphire-shaped beans are much more even and beautiful than the average Colombian coffee.

Actual taste:

The dry aroma after grinding has obvious Zhenguo chocolate and a hint of milk aroma, while the wet aroma after brewing will show the sweetness of milk chocolate. after sipping, the taste is smooth, and the sweetness of milk chocolate is obviously layered, accompanied by a slightly sweet taste of candies. As the temperature decreases, the chocolate aroma becomes clearer and more charming, and the aftertaste after entering the throat has some fruit aromas. Although this coffee bean tastes smooth, it is not mellow, but obviously sweet and unforgettable.

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