Coffee review

Australia coffee type introduction_Australia what coffee to drink_Australia coffee how to order

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Australia coffee varieties big decryption! Short Black : This is actually our usual ESPRESSO espresso Long Black : Americano American coffee Ristretto : Short extract, same amount of coffee, shortened

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The types of coffee in Australia are declassified!

Short Black:

This is actually our common ESPRESSO Italian concentrate.

Long Black:

It's AMERICANO' American Coffee.


Short extraction, the same amount of coffee, shorten the time of coffee extraction, reduce the bitter taste of espresso by reducing the contact time between steam and coffee powder.

So it will be less bitter than ordinary espresso.


Macchiato comes from the meaning of Italian stain, which means to add a spoonful of milk foam to espresso, so don't get too excited to see Macchiato abroad.


It means piccolo in Italian, which has a small meaning.

Latte is 220ml; piccolo 90ml is the concept of a cup of mini latte. In the coffee shops in Melbourne, the roasting degree of many coffee shops is not very deep. After adding milk, it is easy to completely cover the taste of the coffee itself, so friends who do not want to have too strong milk flavor, you can try this one.


Generally speaking, there are many choices for everyone to choose from. In international competitions, LATTE ART is used to compare the height of milk foam to about 1 cm.

Ice Latte:

In addition to iced coffee, there will be a ball of ice cream on top.


Mocha coffee, chocolate latte.


If you like to drink more milk foam, you can choose cappuccino, the local milk foam will be sprinkled with some chocolate powder or cinnamon powder (I drink most of the chocolate powder), you can feel that you are drinking the illusion of mocha, actually very good, because mocha is usually a little more expensive than latte

Flat White:

The word itself comes from Australia, and they order this most often. This one is suitable for people who prefer to drink milk, but don't like too much milk foam. Flat white has less foam than latte, so it is unlikely to have a complete figure. If you see a complete pull flower with a beginning and end, it may not be a very authentic flat white!


A classic coffee dessert, vanilla ice cream or other Italian ice cream, topped with a shot concentrate, excellent!

The above are common names in East Australia, which are relatively simple.


I would like to introduce wayward Western Australia

Some new words developed by oneself

Short Macchiato (Short Mac.):

Same as macchito, a shot, with some milk foam or milk

Long Macchiato (Long Mac. Also known as tradition long mac.)

Two shot, plus some foam or milk

A Top Up Long Macchiato:

Two shot, filled with milk, will taste heavier than latte because it contains two shot

There are about three of them.

When I first saw it,

There are only three words, fog and evil spirit.

Let's add some special words.


Very humorous combination, will smile after understanding, OH-- is originally for children to drink, inside is disguised with chocolate milk, and some stores will also attach a small marshmallow, so that children can drink coffee like adults


Some people don't drink coffee because there is caffeine in it, so you can tell the shopkeeper that you want decaffeinated coffee.

An oz boss said that he had a guest asking for double decaf

(roll your eyes and say stupid), there are Oaks no matter where!'

Chai Latte:

Milk soaked in some spices (I don't like it very much), but you can try.

Dirty Chai Latte:

Really love to be funny! Adding dirty means adding coffee, probably because it is not as white as milk, so add dirty!

I hope this explanation

So that you can know more about Australian coffee.

Have a nice day!

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://