Coffee review

How about four Cat Coffee or Nestle Coffee? why is it a cheap scam?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Company introduction Yunnan Restaurant Coffee Co., Ltd. was established in November 2013, is a college student independent business, set coffee research and development, processing production, network marketing as one of the B2C creation

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Company introduction

Yunnan Restaurant Coffee Co., Ltd. was founded in November 2013, is a college students to start their own business, set coffee research and development, processing and production, network marketing as one of the B2C innovative company.

The restaurant cat mainly focuses on the whole coffee industry chain and e-commerce mode operation, eliminating the intermediate links, reducing the market price, ensuring the coffee quality and reducing the circulation cost at the same time, bringing a cup of good coffee with high quality and low price for the majority of coffee lovers.

In the rhythm of e-commerce covering life, Coffee Coffee, a subsidiary of Hemei Coffee, occupies the title of first coffee sales in Taobao stores all the year round and occupies an important position in China's coffee terminal market.

In the whole industry chain of Homei Coffee Construction, through independent planting and acquisition from farmers, self-built factory processing, and construction of network e-commerce sales subsidiaries, the domestic industrialization operation mode of Homei Coffee is formed, covering the whole process of coffee from coffee fruit to coffee cup. It ensures that the coffee is of excellent quality, unique taste and moderate price. The strategic cooperation between Homei Coffee and Chongqing Coffee Trading Center, and the cooperation with Louis Dreyfus and Yunnan Logistics Group have made Homei Coffee find its own new way in Chinese coffee companies. Hemei Coffee is becoming more and more international and financial in line with the international market.

The industrialization operation of Hemei Coffee makes Yunnan small Coffee really go out of Yunnan and step into the world. Under the leadership of Mr. Xu Zhengxiong, Chairman of Hemei Coffee, we have gradually entered the capital market and become the new darling of the capital market! Complete the leap of Hemei Coffee quality, break through the shackles of traditional agriculture, lead the industry forward, from Zhukula Village to the world!

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