Coffee review

What brand of black coffee is the most authentic and delicious? what are the characteristics of the flavor of the authentic Rose Summer Black Coffee?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, When it comes to coffee, each unique bean is like a beautiful tour, you taste not only the color between the tongue, but also like a postcard from a foreign country, telling you what kind of local climate can grow such a unique flavor of coffee beans! Most importantly, it makes me no longer care about how much money I save, but how I do it.

What brand of black coffee is the most authentic? In view of this problem, Qianjie believes that the so-called best drink actually depends on the individual, because everyone likes different tastes, so it is not the best drink, can only be said to be suitable for their own taste is the best drink. For black coffee, maybe many people's first impression is bitter and bad. However, with everyone's love for coffee, more coffee friends pursue a single-origin boutique black coffee. Because black coffee can better taste the local flavor of coffee, feel the local coffee style. Each unique bean is like a beautiful tour, you taste not only the colorful between the tongue, but also like a postcard from a foreign country, telling you what kind of local climate can grow such a unique flavor of coffee beans!


Black coffee refers to pure coffee made directly from coffee beans without sugar and milk, including American drip filter, hand pot, French pressure and so on. Good black coffee, such as Pu'er tea and red wine, can drink the flavor of its origin, so you can choose black coffee according to your own taste. Boutique coffee is usually brewed by hand, so as to show the flavor of the coffee beans, such as Blue Mountain Coffee, Rosa Coffee and so on.

If you want to choose what suits your taste, you still have to try it yourself. In the past, people's preference for coffee may be more like the mellow nut flavor, but now people like more fruit juice coffee. And Rosa Coffee just meets everyone's needs. Rosa coffee has a strong aroma of citrus, jasmine, almonds and mango, sweet nectar, bright and changeable acidity, so that various coffee countries compete to grow.

But even if it is the same coffee variety, in different coffee growing environment, the flavor can be very different! The unique climate, planting altitude, humidity, sunshine length, soil, growers, and even the whole process after picking coffee fruits in each region will seriously affect the flavor of coffee! Such as Panamanian coffee, Colombian coffee, Ethiopian coffee and other places in the summer, coffee flavor is obviously different.


Qianjie Coffee is a coffee roasting brand that has been open in Guangzhou for many years, with coffee beans from more than 50 countries and regions. Generally speaking, the flavor of coffee is distinguished by origin, African with lemon acid, American with rich aroma, while Blue Mountain and Mantenin are more mellow, the flavor rules of origin are as follows:

Ethiopian coffee: Yega Xuefei: beans chosen by most beginners with some lemon acid; Sakuran: add some berry aromas to Yegashefi; Yunnan small grains of coffee: with some plum acid; Mantning: mellow woody, with some herbal aromas; Flower Butterfly: Panama production area; contains some rose summer seeds, tastes like flower and fruit tea; Brazil: not sour, like the original chocolate.

Rose summer coffee

In 1931, Rose Xia was exported to Kenya in obscurity from Geisha Mountain in southwestern Ethiopia, where he traveled to Tanzania and Costa Rica and was transplanted to Panama in the 1960s. It took him nearly half a century to make a splash, defeating the victorious armies such as Bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai, Tibica and so on. Won the first prize of the Panama National Treasure Bean Cup Test Competition in 2005, 2006 and 2007.


In 2007, the International famous Bean Cup Test sponsored by the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA) won the championship again, and the bidding price was sold at US $130 per pound, setting a record for the highest price in the history of competition beans. It is reported that the later Panamanian national treasure bean competition will be divided into two groups: Rose Summer and non-Rose Summer, so as not to be robbed of the brilliance of other varieties by Rose Summer.

[Panamanian Pokuit Coffee producing area]

Poquet Boquete, planted at an altitude of 1400-1900m, is located near the border between Panama and Costa Rica, close to the famous Baru Baru volcano, with rich and fertile soil, climate and soil suitable for producing quality coffee. There are also many excellent estates in the Pokuit area, except the Emerald Manor, Alida Manor, Catova Duncan Manor and so on all produce high-quality boutique coffee. This is not only due to the mild climatic conditions in the Poquet region of Panama and the fertile volcanic ash soil of the Baru volcanic land. Another important factor is the changeable microclimate in the Poquet Heights of Panama.


One of the food beans in front of the street, the washed Pokuit Rose Summer Coffee comes from this area.

Ethiopian Rosa Coffee

Although Ethiopia is the genetic land of coffee, the reason for the exquisite and elegant flavor of Rosa coffee beans is due to its specific growing environment. Rose summer varieties are very "picky" about the growing environment, and they are required to be planted in areas with high altitude, cloud shade or a large number of shade trees and fertile soil in order to have rich and charming flower fragrance, delicate and elegant fruit acid and tea-like sweet taste.

Ethiopia's Rosa Coffee is divided into three branches, Gori Rosa Gori Gesha (GG): this variety replicates the genetic diversity in the Gori Gesha coffee forest. Illubabor Forest 1974 (IF): found during an expedition to the Illubabor Forest in 1974, a variety with antibodies was later developed by the Ethiopian Research Center. Rose 1931 Gesha 1931 (G31): a combination of varieties with different forests, which is very similar to Panamanian rose. It is screened by observing its plant type, bean shape, order size and cup flavor.


However, the genes of the first two rosy summer coffee beans are completely different from those of Panamanian rose summer coffee. According to the official description, rose summer 1931 is the closest to Panama's rose summer in terms of plant shape and cup test. but in fact, there is very little genetic consistency, so the flavor of Ethiopian rose summer coffee and Panama rose summer coffee can be said to be completely different.

Costa Rican Rosa Coffee

Costa Rica has grown coffee for nearly 200 years. As an important cash crop in the country, the coffee industry is very mature, and now there is no shortage of new estates. Most of these estates have resources and are willing to grow rosy summer coffee, the most famous of which is the rosy summer coffee beans of Little Candle Manor. Such as the Costa Rican Milasu rose summer coffee in front of the street.


The Milasu coffee beans on the front street are treated with grape dried honey, drying the ripe coffee cherries to a dried state, removing the peel and pulp and retaining all the pectin layer, and then drying. Qianjie found that coffee treated with raisin honey has a thicker taste, more persistent aroma and stronger sweetness than ordinary honey-treated coffee.

Colombian flowers see Rose Summer Coffee

Cymbidium Province of Colombia is located in southern Colombia at the confluence of the central and eastern mountains of the Andes. The coffee growing area of Huilan is centered on Pitalito. The coffee is planted at an altitude of 1750-1950m and is mainly planted by small farmers. In the past ten years, small coffee farmers have made concerted efforts, and after manual harvesting and careful treatment, the coffee fruit has finally become a boutique coffee bean that can show the flavor of Huilan producing area.


Hua Jian Rose Summer Coffee comes from Colombia's most famous Huilan producing area. Colombian coffee is no stranger to everyone. Colombia is very famous in the boutique coffee industry, and Huilan producing area is the representative of Colombian classic flavor, with the flavor of nutty caramel, plus the sweet and sour taste of berries. Hua Jian Coffee this coffee bean is a combination of Rosa Kaddura and Kaduai and the washing method is also a classic traditional treatment. There is a very strong flavor of chamomile and pink pepper at high temperatures, especially at medium temperatures, oranges and honey, and slightly bitter almonds at low temperatures.

Roasted roasted summer coffee beans in Qianjie are recommended:

In order to highlight the characteristics and aroma of rose beans, shallow baking is used in the front street, so that the baking degree can show the characteristics of the beans themselves, and if they are too deep, they will lose the aroma of flowers and fruit acid. of course, this should be adjusted according to the characteristics of coffee beans and the roaster's understanding of the beans themselves. Through the cup test in front of the street, we know that Rosa coffee beans have a rich sense of hierarchy, so it is recommended to slightly reduce the coffee concentration when brewing, so that the flavor of each level of Rosa coffee can be clearer. It is recommended that the brewing ratio is 1, 15, 90, 90 and 91 degrees Celsius, and the grinding thickness of coffee beans is recommended to be medium and fine grinding (the screening rate of Chinese standard No. 20 sieve is 80%).


How to cook Panamanian Rosa coffee beans?

Drip brewing, that is, hand-brewed coffee is recommended in Qianjie. If you want to drink rich layers, you can use the V60 filter cup, while if you want to drink the full coffee flavor, you can use the cake filter cup. Qianjie daily products often use the V60 filter cup, because the 60-degree angle design has a spiral rib design, we can control the number of times the water has been injected, fully extract the essence of Rosa coffee, while the large water hole design to avoid excessive extraction of coffee.


The body of the V60 filter cup has a large round hole connecting the diversion ribs at the top and the bottom and the center, which speeds up the flow rate of the water, while the spirally shaped exhaust trough is designed to lengthen the flow path and increase the contact time of coffee powder and hot water. each flow of water converges along the groove to the center of the filter cup, the pressure on the coffee powder is concentrated, and the coffee extracted is more layered.

Filter cup: Hario V60, water temperature: 91 degrees Celsius, powder content: 15g powder water ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 80%

[Panamanian washed Pokuit Rosa Coffee]: it has clear acidity of citrus, lemon and bergamot, smooth and creamy taste when swallowing, and sweet taste of green tea and honey at the end.


Suggestions for making coffee in front of the street:

For the brewing of coffee, Qianjie has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans has a great relationship with the flavor of coffee, so the coffee beans shipped in Qianjie coffee are roasted within 5 days. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.

For those who need to be ground, Qianjie warmly reminds you that if the coffee beans are ground in advance, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor round. so you can drink a cup of coffee as soon as you receive the coffee powder. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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