Coffee review

Why coffee should be freshly ground to drink coffee powder How does the thickness of coffee powder affect coffee flavor

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Why do many people buy coffee beans instead of pre-ground coffee? Because if coffee beans are ground, the surface area of coffee beans will increase exponentially. Of course, pre-ground coffee can help coffee extraction better, but it also makes finer coffee more sensitive to oxygen, thus destroying coffee.

Why do many people choose to buy coffee beans instead of pre-ground coffee powder, because if the coffee beans are ground into powder, the surface area of coffee beans will increase exponentially. Of course, pre-ground coffee powder can better help coffee extraction, but it also makes finer coffee powder more sensitive to oxygen, thus destroying the wonderful aroma and flavor of coffee. This is also an important reason why coffee beans are not ground into coffee powder in advance. Before brewing coffee, the beans are ground into coffee powder to retain their freshness and flavor.

Freshly ground coffee powder, you can adjust the thickness of coffee powder according to your own preferences, the influence of coffee powder thickness on taste is mainly reflected in the bitter taste. The finer the coffee powder is ground, the easier it is to precipitate the ingredients. The sour ingredients in coffee are easily soluble in water, and the size of coffee powder particles has little effect on it. The bitter ingredients in coffee are difficult to dissolve in water. The finer the coffee powder is ground, the greater the total amount of bitter ingredients dissolved in water, and the coffee will appear bitter. Therefore, when determining the grinding thickness, we should also consider the taste preference.

In addition to particle size, uniformity must also be paid attention to. If the particles are of different sizes during grinding, the flavor of the brewed coffee will be uneven.