Coffee review

The world's most famous coffee beans, expensive Blue Mountain Coffee and Kona Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, We know that coffee beans will be affected by many natural conditions, such as altitude, topography, rainfall, climate, soil and so on. These beans will not affect the flavor characteristics of coffee in varying degrees, different regions of coffee flavor will be different, and even different farms of coffee will be different. There are some of the world's top coffee producers. Take a look.

We know that coffee beans will be affected by many natural conditions, such as altitude, topography, rainfall, climate, soil and so on. These beans will not affect the flavor characteristics of coffee in varying degrees, different regions of coffee flavor will be different, and even different farms of coffee will be different. There are some of the top coffee producing areas in the world. Take a look at the characteristics of coffee from each region.

Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee Bean is the best coffee in the world, with a long-lasting flavor, and it is grown in a specific area established by the Jamaican Coffee Association in 1953.

Real estate: Jamaica, Blue Mountain, Jamaica Blue Mountains.

Wind taste: no bitterness, no astringency, smooth taste, slightly sour taste, long-lasting after entering the throat.

Bouquet: sweet aromas of flowers, nuts and caramel.

It: the planting process of Blue Mountain Coffee is all manual, and the planting, harvest and production are all done manually, and because of the superiority of Blue Mountain Coffee beans, its export needs to be checked and approved by the Blue Mountain Coffee Bureau of Jamaica.

Price of Fort Manor: about $49 per pound Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a desirable coffee, but it is also controversial because of its high unit price and uneven quality, and there are fake Blue Mountain coffees on the market. If you see "Jamaican Blue Mountain style" or "Jamaican mixed Blue Mountain" on the market, you need to pay attention to it, because it may contain only a small amount of Jamaican Blue Mountain. About 85% of Blue Mountain on the market is sold to Japan.

Kona coffee

Bright sandy beaches, beautiful blue sky, blue sea, fiery volcano around, enviable Kona was born. The Big Island of Hawaii is the only coffee growing place in the United States, but it is not easy to buy because of its low annual output, high cost and meticulous taste.

Real estate: Hawaii, USA.

Wind: the palate is soft and smooth, with moderate acidity of the wine.

Hawaii Price: about $30 per 14 ounces in 1820 Britain grew Brazilian coffee in the Kona region, so that there began to be many small coffee farmers in the Kona region. The manor-grade Kona coffee has a clean, mild flavor and sweet, but also because of its high price has become a controversial coffee bean. Bouquet: special nutty and grape aromas.
