Coffee review

High quality Caribbean Coffee Blue Mountain Coffee rating how to drink Blue Mountain Coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Jamaican coffee beans have a long history. In 1728 the then British Governor Nicholas Lowe Sir Nicholas Lawes imported coffee from French Martinique Island to Jamaica. As the local climate is very suitable for growing coffee beans, buy it after nine years of introduction.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Jamaican coffee beans have a long history. In 1728, the then British Governor Nicholas Lowe Sir Nicholas Lawes imported coffee from French Martinique Island to Jamaica. Because the local climate was very suitable for growing coffee beans, Jamaica exported 83000 pounds of high-quality coffee nine years after its introduction.

The Blue Mountain Coffee producing area is located in the east of Jamaica. Only those growing in this area at an altitude of 3000 feet to 5500 feet are authentic [Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee] (Jamaica Blue Mountain), while others growing at an altitude of 1500 to 3000 feet can only be called [Jamaican Alpine Coffee] (Jamaica High Mountain). Coffee grown below 1500 feet above sea level is [Jamaica's preferred coffee beans] (Jamaica Supreme) or [Jamaican low-altitude coffee beans] (Jamaica Low Mountain). Coffee is not allowed in conservation forests above 5500 feet.

Blue Mountain Coffee is a high-quality Caribbean coffee, which, like other countries, has been damaged by natural hurricanes. I have seen too many damaged bean cups and the taste of kale. Prices are always affected or even unmarketable in years hit by hurricanes. In addition, the hot and humid environment of island countries often makes coffee moth-eaten or white spots, and coffee beans with real zero defects are always rare. In addition, the Japanese purchase of 70% of the Blue Mountain Coffee makes the price high. The real high-altitude 100% pure Blue Mountain coffee is produced by the Jamaican national processing plant. The coffee is packed in a special barrel and there is a certificate on each barrel.

Clifton Manor is located on a hillside of 5000 feet above sea level, the main peak of Kathleen, in the heart of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. In 1790, Clifton Manor began to grow Blue Mountain Coffee. The perennial cold and foggy climate makes the coffee fruit sweet and thick, producing extremely unique, high-quality Blue Mountain coffee beans.

The aroma is extremely rich and full, with rich honey and sweet fragrance in the fragrance of flowers and frankincense, with excellent thickness, and the balance of sweetness and taste is the highest in the Blue Mountains.

Production area: Blue Mountain

Altitude: 1300m

Treatment: washing

Variety: Typica

Baking degree: medium baking

Flavor description: spices, hazelnuts, flowers, cream, sugar, meticulous perfect balance, beautiful aftertaste reverberate in the mouth.