Coffee review

There are several kinds of classification of rose summer coffee beans. What is the meaning of gold standard, red standard, green standard, blue standard and rose summer?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there are several different categories of coffee beans, gold standard, red standard, blue standard, brown standard, yellow standard, each color package represents a different proportion of roast and Arabica coffee, roasting methods


For those who often drink coffee, Qianjie believes that you are no stranger to the word "Rosa Coffee". As Rosa Coffee becomes more and more famous, many coffee lovers also want to know the grade category of Rosa Coffee.

How did Rose Summer come?

In 1931, the rose variety was discovered by a team of botanists in southwestern Ethiopia, that is, us. Because the tree is quite tall and the fruit seeds are larger than the average Ethiopian coffee beans, the seeds are brought to the laboratory in Kenya to breed, and after five years, fruit samples are obtained, and then taken to Uganda and Tanzania for research. Costa Rican research institutions were introduced from Tanzania in 1953.

In 1963, in order to revitalize the coffee industry, Panama introduced more coffee varieties from all over the country. Pachi Serracin, the old owner of Don Patch Manor, brought back the rose summer variety from Costa Rica, and the rose summer coffee began to take root in Panama. It was not until 2000 that Daniel Peterson, the third-generation owner of the Emerald Manor, discovered that Rose Summer was different and transplanted it to a higher altitude. The high-altitude summer of 2004 was finally mass-produced, and the Emerald Manor sent it to participate in the Best Panamanian BOP of the year. The rich layers of elegant and fragrant jasmine, peach and bergamot make how many coffee people never forget.

Then we start from two directions, the birthplace of Rose Summer and the famous place of Rose Summer, so as to understand different levels of high-quality Rose Summer.


Rosa Village, Ethiopia

Adam Overton, a documentary filmmaker, and his wife, Rachel Samuel, first came into contact with the coffee forest where Rosa was discovered when they filmed a coffee documentary for the Ethiopian government in 2007. The Adam couple felt the charm of Essex Coffee and wanted to build their own estate. After consulting some judges in the coffee industry, they went to Banchi Maggie Bench Maji, the birthplace of Rose Summer, in 2011, hoping to explore the original Rose Summer Coffee.

Adam followed BOP judge Willem Boot to look for native rose summer trees in the Gori Rosa Gori Gesha Forest, found a wild Rosa coffee tree in a wild coffee tree, collected seeds and returned to Rosa Village for screening and cultivation. The couple built a nearly 500-hectare Rosa Village estate, Geisha Village Coffee Estate, near Gori Gesha Forest.

Ethiopia is mostly grown by small farmers, coffee production and raw bean processing plants are relatively small, while the Rosa Village Manor is a large farm. Mr. and Mrs. Adam set up their own washing plant and laboratory, and only rose varieties were planted on the manor. After referring to some standardized planting methods of planting rose summer estates in Panama, the Adam and his wife numbered and recorded different planting plots for later finishing and flavor tracing.


Through the plot division of the manor owner, we can see that the western planting altitude of the Rose Xia Village Manor is on the high side, especially in the OMA, SURMA and SHEWA-JIBABU plots, which are between 1900 and 2069 meters above sea level, of which SHEWA-JIBABU has the highest average elevation. The shading ratio in the south of the manor is relatively higher, and the sun exposure in the north is longer. Among the eight plots of the manor, Adam selects the most suitable variety for each plot according to the microclimate differences such as elevation, soil conditions and shading conditions, to ensure that each plot can form different flavor characteristics.

In order to ensure the quality of Rosa coffee produced by Rose Village Manor, Adam established a strict grading system, dividing Rosa into different grades, including competitive bidding, gold bid, red bid, green bid and CHAKA.

Bidding in Ruoxia Village

The bidding lot of Ruoxia Village is the top lot, which can only be obtained through the buyer's auction. Ruoxia Village bids that the output of Rose Summer accounts for only 3.7% of the annual output, and this batch of Rose Summer Coffee will go through multiple strict screening.

Gold bid of Rose Xia Village

Ruoxia Village Golden Standard Rose Xia is a batch often purchased by competitors and bakers from all over the world who require high quality. It accounts for about 10% of the annual output of the manor and has detailed traceability information. Buyers can query the specific plots and raw bean processing and other information. The gold standard batch of Rose Summer purchased in Qianjie can taste the complex and rich flavor, and feel the charm of this batch of Rose Summer Coffee during the cup test, regardless of the unique dry fragrance, or sipping flavor and aftertaste.

Qianjie Coffee: Ruoxia Village Manor Jinbiao Rose Summer

Producing area: producing area of Banchi Magi, Ethiopia

Manor: Guoxia Village Manor Oma plot

Altitude: 1900-2040 m

Variety: Rosa 1931

Treatment method: sun treatment

Flavor: citrus berry cream caramel honeydew melon honey

Red sign of Rose Xia Village

Ruoxia Village Red Standard also has complete traceability information, accounting for 15% of the total annual output, according to the SCA standard cup test score of more than 88 points of high-quality Rosa coffee. Although the intensity and complexity of flavor are not as strong and complex as gold bids and competitive bidding batches, Red Standard has a very classic Rosa Village flavor. Qianjie believes that this is a Rosa batch with a very high performance-to-price ratio, which is worth starting with.


Qianjie Coffee: Ruoxia Village Manor Red Standard Rose Summer

Producing area: producing area of Banchi Magi, Ethiopia

Manor: Guoxia Village Manor Shewa-Jibabu plot

Altitude: 1973-2069 m

Variety: Gori Rosa

Treatment method: sun treatment

Flavor: lemon plum, citrus tropical fruit scented tea

Green sign of Rose Xia Village

The green label batch of Ruoxia Village refers to a single plot and a single variety of batches. The green label batch provides complete traceability information of each batch number, including the name of the farm plot, the variety of coffee and the processing date. Compared with the red standard and gold standard batch, the green standard will not do the requirement of cup test score, so it can be said to be an entry-level single plot Rose Summer batch.

Qianjie Coffee Ethiopia Rosa Village Manor Green label Rose Summer production area: Ethiopia Banchi Magi production area Manor: Rosa Village Manor Bangi plot elevation: 1911-2001 m Variety: Gori Rose Summer treatment: solarization treatment

CHAKA, Ruoxia Village

Unlike other batches of Rosa Village Manor, CHAKA mixes all the plots on the estate and year-round production season of Rose Summer Coffee beans, including three Rosa varieties grown in Rosa Village: Rosa 1931, Gori Rose and Illubabor.

Panamanian Jade Manor

If you are an enthusiast of Rose Summer Coffee, you must know Rose Summer's Bole-Jade Manor.


The Jade Manor is located in Pokui District, Panama. due to the natural essence brought by the fertile soil brought by the local microclimate and volcanoes, there is a significant temperature difference between day and night at the appropriate high altitude, which makes the coffee fruit ripen slowly and absorb more nutrients. thus forming the rich jasmine aroma and high-quality compound fruit flavor of Rosa coffee. Emerald Manor has three estates: El Velo Veil Manor, Caas Verdes Manor Kannas Vidis, and Jaramillo Manor Haramillo.

After winning the BOP championship in 2004, Jadeite Manor paid more attention to the planting and management of Rosa Coffee. The third generation owners Daniel and Rachel adopted strict hierarchical planning to make the brand of Rosa Coffee high-end. Jadeite Manor developed its own marketing strategy, which was divided into five major brands according to cup test flavor performance and planted varieties and plots. Rose summer accounts for three: jadeite special selection (Esmeralda Special), private collection (Private Collection) and rose summer 1500 (Geisha1500), that is, the red mark, green mark and blue mark on the Qianjie bean list.

Jadeite bidding

In 2022, Jadeite Manor is an independent brand jadeite bid (Esmeralda Auction) from the red bid batch, which is mainly for buyers to bid. The independent bidding of Jade Manor is a very concerned coffee auction in the boutique coffee circle every year, and the final highest auction price is also one of the topics for people with fever in Rose Summer every year.

Jadeite red mark

In addition to the best lots in the bidding, the Jadeite Red Standard is the highest quality Rosa brand of the Jadeite Manor, also known as the Jadeite Special selection. The jadeite red standard is the rose summer coffee planted between 1600 and 1800 meters above sea level with a cup test score of more than 90 points. it is also the highest quality rose summer bean in the jadeite manor. The plots selected from Haramillo and Cannes Vidis are usually treated in the sun or water, with rich flower aromas and a variety of sour and sweet compound fruits.


Qianjie Coffee: red rose summer coffee beans

Producing area: Pokuit producing area

Manor: Emerald Manor Kannas Viders

Altitude: 1700 + m

Variety: Rose summer

Treatment: sun treatment

Flavor: lemon, honey, berry, orange peel, mango cream

Jadeite green mark

The green label Rose Summer of the Jade Manor is also known as the private collection, and this batch will not participate in the independent competition. The manor plots will be planted at the same altitude as the red mark, but will not emphasize a specific plot, so we will see that the green mark is a rosy summer mixed with multiple plots of the Jade Manor. Although it is not as popular as bidding and red bidding, the green standard still has the classic jadeite manor rose summer flavor, and the washed green rose summer has a brighter rose summer flavor.


Qianjie Coffee: green label Rosa Coffee beans

Producing area: Pokuit producing area

Manor: Emerald Manor Kannas Viders

Altitude: 1700 m

Variety: Rose summer

Treatment: washing treatment

Flavor: Jasmine, ginger, sweet orange, lemon honey

Jadeite blue label

Rose summer 1500 is the blue standard, 1400-1500 meters under the environment of the cultivation of rose summer coffee, harvested in the jadeite three different plots of mixed beans. The rose summer produced in this area is sold for export and becomes volcanic rock rose summer coffee beans with the same flavor as the original blue standard. At present, the blue label brand has been cancelled by the Jade Manor, and this batch of Rose Summer Coffee beans have been sold for export and become volcanic Rose Summer Coffee beans. Volcanic rock flavor is light flowers, sweet and sour fruit, the taste is not as full as the other two brands.


Front Street Coffee: Panamanian volcanic rose summer coffee beans

Producing area: Pokuit producing area of Panama

Manor: Jade Manor

Altitude: 1500 m

Variety: Rose summer

Treatment: washing treatment

Flavor: citrus blossom bergamot honey

How does Rosa coffee taste good?

After talking so much about the various grades of Rose Summer, it is time to talk about how to cook Rose Summer. Here Qianjie Coffee chooses the most popular emerald red label Rose Summer and Rose Summer Village Red label.


Preparation before brewing is very important, since it is high-quality coffee beans, if you want to taste the complete aroma of coffee, Qianjie recommends choosing freshly roasted coffee beans. Because all coffee will have the best flavor period, usually 7-30 days after baking, only at this time do not waste these good coffee. The coffee beans shipped on Qianjie are all baked within 5 days, which ensures that the coffee beans received after placing an order are the freshest, which is just in the best taste period.

The rose summer planting environment in Ethiopia and Panama is at high altitude, and coffee beans are hard. Qianjie bakers generally roast beans with flower and fruit condiments in a medium and shallow degree to retain more high-quality sour taste. Shallow roasting does not significantly change the internal structure of coffee beans, so Qianjie baristas use higher water temperatures and finer grinding to stimulate the aroma of roses.

Filter cup: V60 water temperature: 91-92 degrees Celsius powder quantity: 15g powder-water ratio: 1:15 Grinding degree: fine sugar size (No. 20 sieve bowl sieve powder to 80%)

Three-stage extraction: the first stage is steamed with 30g water for 30 seconds, evenly injected around the circle to form a drum, the second stage is injected with 95g hot water, the powder layer is reduced to half, and the third stage 100g is injected until all the coffee is filtered. Pay attention to the center point to start water injection, the whole process of small flow soft circle, to avoid uneven extraction.


The red sign of Rose Summer Village tastes like tropical fruit, bergamot and lemon, sweet cream and mixed with fermented flavor, the temperature is slightly cool, and the fragrance of jasmine slowly unfolds. The jadeite red standard rose summer entrance can already feel the rich fruit tonality, exquisite flower aroma and soft tea feeling, and the aftertaste is the sweetness of berries.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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