Coffee review

Introduction to the basic Information of the famous Fine Coffee Manor Dome Manor in Colombia

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Professional Coffee knowledge Exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Colombia's unique geographical conditions make it one of the most famous coffee producing areas in the world. However, in recent years, natural disasters caused by climate change, such as heavy rain and drought, have posed a threat to local coffee production capacity. Although Colombia is a famous coffee producer

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Colombia's unique geographical conditions make it one of the most famous coffee producing areas in the world. However, in recent years, natural disasters caused by climate change, such as heavy rain and drought, have posed a threat to local coffee production capacity.

Although Colombia is a well-known coffee producer, it may not get good coffee, because most of the high-quality coffee beans (specialtycoffee) are exported. After all, the consumption power is different, and the consumption power of many countries is much higher than that of Colombia.

Dome Manor (La Pelota)

Round Hill Manor, there are small processing equipment built around this coffee tree. This is a common phenomenon of coffee cultivation in Colombia, unlike the vast plantations in Brazil, where the vast majority of coffee is grown, maintained, picked, processed and resold by small farmers such as dunes. On the other hand, the processing equipment of each household ensures the exquisite processing of fine coffee micro-batches, and for farmers, selling processed coffee beans always earns more and, of course, more energy-consuming than selling fresh fruit directly. The hostess of the dome manor said that this plot can produce 600kg coffee beans in a season, mainly growing high-quality bourbon and Kaddura varieties. She also owns another piece of land that produces a variety of mixed high-end commercial coffee. I secretly calculated for her that the output of 600kg in a production season of the dome will probably not exceed 60000 yuan. This income requires about 5-10 workers during the peak production season, as well as her own family burden.

We also went to the growers on the other two hills. Whether the distance between them is short or not, the growers behind are really too late to catch up, so they go back to Beida Li duo city. The light time throughout southern Colombia is actually very short, and most farmers have their own way of drying coffee. For example, we went to a farm called Finca Buena Vista (yes, the name is everywhere in South America). The roof of the farmer's own living area is a movable double-layer structure: move the rope to cover the rain when it rains, and turn on the coffee on the roof when the sun shines.

La Pelota is a growing manor of pink bourbon batches at the beginning of each year. The manor is located in San Agustin town, Huila province, 1700m above sea level, with a total area of 5 hectares (plus sugar cane, plantains, etc.). The coffee planting area is 3 hectares, of which there are about 1800 coffee trees with an annual output of 480KG, accounting for 24% of the total coffee output of the manor.

La Pelota Manor has also received the UTZ certification issued by the coffee growing cooperative in Huilan area. The coffee produced by the estate can be traced back to the whole process of planting, production, processing and transportation.

La Pelota Manor is mainly managed by Mrs.Maria Robira, who lives with her sister, her son, daughter and grandson. The whole estate is very small, mainly growing boutique coffee varieties such as Pink Bourbon and Caturra, and picking and processing are all done by Mrs.Maria Robira and her family. Coffee is the most important source of income for the whole family, so they have invested a lot of time and energy to ensure the good quality of coffee produced.

The manor will sprinkle the processed bagasse into the coffee field as organic fertilizer, which is also in line with the environmental requirements of UTZ, save fertilizer costs, inadvertently nourish coffee trees planted in the field, and increase the sweetness of the powdered powder.