Coffee review

What are the characteristics of Colombian coffee what are the main producing areas of Colombian coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style). Colombia's main producing areas are in the central and eastern mountains. The most important plantations along the central mountains are located in Medellin, Armenia and Manizales, in the above three areas.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The main production areas of Colombia are in the central and eastern mountains.

The most important plantations along the central mountains are located in Medellin, Armenia and Manizales.

Among the above three regions, Medellin has the best quality and high price of coffee.

It is characterized by full particles, rich nutrition, rich aroma and moderate acidity.

Taken together, the three regions are referred to as MAM (the initials of the major cities in the three regions).

Most of Colombia's top coffee for export comes from MAM.

Along the eastern mountains, the two best areas are around Bogota and then north around Bucaramanga.

Bogota coffee is less acidic than Medellin coffee, but the two are of the same quality. According to the Colombian Coffee Growers Association, the Colombian Coffee Association, the coffee industry provides 800000 direct jobs in the country and has a positive impact on 563000 households and the economy.

The country is in a good position for coffee production: it is close to the equator and its mountains can reach more than 2000 meters above sea level. For example, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains are one of the highest coastal mountains in the world.

North District

In northern Colombia, you will find coffee production divisions in Santander, North Santander, LaGuaxilla, Magdalena and Cesar Santander, Norte de Santander, La Guajira, Magdalena, and Cesar. According to Juan Carlos, 62500 producers grow coffee on 129500 hectares of land.

The region has only one dry season each year-December to March and one rainy season-April to November. Coffee blossoms in March, followed by the rainy season and harvested in October / November.

In addition, according to the Colombian National Coffee producers Association, the dimensions of coffee in the North District are more than 9o, and coffee growing conditions are similar to those in Central America: low latitudes and high temperatures. On the other hand, in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains and the Santander and Norte de Santander areas, crops are more vulnerable to sunlight, so producers tend to grow in more shadows. According to the National Coffee producers Association of Colombia, coffee is produced in these areas with low acidity.

Central-northern and south-central regions

In the north-central and south-central regions of Colombia, there are producing areas of southern Antioquia, Boyaca, Caldas, Choco, Risalda, Jindio, the northern part of the Cauca Valley, Cundinamaka and northern Tolima.

Antioquia (Antioquia) is the second largest coffee producing area in Colombia and Tolima is the third largest. These two areas are among the most famous producing areas in the country. According to Juan Carlos, 263000 producers grow coffee on 492000 hectares of land in the area.

These regions have two dry seasons and two rainy seasons each year: the dry season from December to February and June to September, and the rainy season from March to May and September to November, resulting in two annual coffee harvesting seasons in the region.

In the north-central region, they have a major harvest season from October to December after the end of the second rainy season. However, after the end of the first rainy season, they will have a smaller harvest in May and June.

The harvest time in Central and South District is similar: may to June and October to November. However, it has no primary and secondary harvest seasons, and yields are the same in both periods.

Southern district

Southern Colombia is near the equator, and coffee grows in the higher mountains. This is a high-quality coffee growing area: coffee is famous for its high acidity and unique cup shape.

In the Southern District, 211000 producers grow coffee on 282000 hectares of land. This makes the average size of coffee farms in the region much smaller than in other parts of the country.

As in the North District, there is only one wet season and one dry season. The dry season lasts from June to September, then the coffee blossoms. The rainy season begins in October and may last until May, but the harvest season usually begins in April and lasts until June.

This is in stark contrast to the north of the country, where coffee is harvested in the autumn. As the harvest period is extended to December. In central Colombia, roasters can serve Colombian coffee to customers for most of the year.

Eastern district

Coffee is grown on a much smaller scale in eastern Colombia. It includes only areas such as Arauca,Casanare,Meta and Caquet á. 5500 producers grow coffee on 10500 hectares of land.

The region has suffered from armed conflicts in the past and support for coffee production has become a top priority. The National Coffee producers Association of Colombia is investing in helping the region grow varieties that better suit its environment, and they are also focused on helping farmers expand the size of their farms.

The climate of this area is similar to that of the north. However, there is more rainfall and humidity.