Coffee review

How about Wahana's coffee | where is Wahana's coffee? introduction to CM Longberry

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) often guests will ask, how is Wahana's coffee? Where does Wahanna get the coffee? First of all: where is Wahana Estate? Wahana Estate is a comprehensive coffee and organic farm in Indonesia, with the largest in Asia and ranking in the world.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Guests often ask, how is Wahana's coffee? Where does Wahanna get the coffee?

First of all: where is Wahana Estate?

Wahana Estate is a comprehensive coffee and organic farm in Indonesia. It has the largest washed coffee processing plant in Asia and the top 10 in the world. It can handle 25 tons of fresh fruit per hour. It belongs to PT.Sarimakmur and has 5 branches / dry factories in different producing areas of Indonesia.

The estate is located in Shidijalan, North Sumatra, and has 14 different coffee planting bases (Longberry, Rasuna, USDA, Tipica, Catura, Catuai, Villa-sarch, Jantung, S795, Toraja). ) there are about 1000 Mel 1500 employees responsible for the daily work management of the manor. The manor has a unique rainforest planting climate and organic planting management to maximize the quality of coffee cultivation.

Mikael Jasin, the fourth contestant in the 2019 WBC World Coffee Competition, chose Longberry coffee from Indonesia, which was treated by Wahana Estate CM.

The long-grain species (Longberry) is named after its shape, and the shape of long-grain beans is longer and sharper than other varieties. The long-grain variety originated in Ethiopia and is very similar to Hara long bean (Longberry Harrar). Hara long bean is a natural mutant of typica, which originally grew only in Aceh in Indonesia.

CM Longberry is the first coffee processed by CM in Indonesia. CM treatment strengthens the flavor of coffee and adds a black cherry flavor, but lacks some liveliness.