Coffee review

Costa Rica DON CAYITO Manor Coffee Flavors Costa Rica Coffee Bean Flavors

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) DON CAYITO This farm was bought from a neighbor in town in 2013. It's named after our great grandfather Ricardo Calderon, also known as Caito Burrows. These cherries are picked locally in Panama between January and April. whole

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)


The farm was bought from a neighbor in the town in 2013. Its name is in honor of our great-grandfather Ricardo Calderon, also known as Kaito Burrows. These cherries were picked by Panamanian locals between January and April.

The entire Calderon Castillo family works in different positions in the factory and is responsible for the management of the plot.

Last year was a very special year! We won the first place with the same Gesha, and our coffee reached $300 per pound, breaking COE's price record so far.

In 2011, we also won the first place in La Estrella Farm. My father, Don Luis Ricardo Calderon don Luis Ricardo Calderon Madrigal, helped a family in our community build houses for them.

Height: 1850-2000-msnm

The varieties of coffee on the farm are: Gesha, Caturra, Villalobos, Catuai and typical trees, such as avocado, sweet lemon and orange.

2019COE ranks 2a

Farm name DON CAYITO


Score 91.02

Height 1950masl

Size (30kg per case) 11.5


Regional Tarraz ú

Very tropical aroma / taste, passion fruit, apricot, flower, jazz, rose tea, gingerbread, spices, plums, almonds, green mango, white grape juice

Complex acidity, citric acid, phosphoric acid, bright

Other alcohols are smooth in thickness, high in impact, transparent, delicate, as smooth as butter

Treatment method washing treatment

Variety gesha


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

KENYA BARICHU cooperative

In central Kenya, members of the Barichu cooperative are using coffee to reimagine their future. Guided by its mission to produce quality coffee and improve livelihoods, the organization has supported more than 6000 small-scale farmers. Small-scale growers in this community gather to process freshly picked coffee cherries, combined with the harvest of individual members. The cooperative is committed to a shared and forward-looking vision, sowing the seeds for future success. Together they invested in education, creating nurseries for coffee seedlings and growing agricultural necessities such as macadamia nuts and arrow roots. In the desire to trust each other and strengthen the community, Barichu co-op produced coffee like this.

Variety: SL28, SL24, RUIRU 11, BATIAN

Treatment: completely washed

Orange blossom with lemon and black cherry aromas.