Coffee review

Is the coffee bean of Guangzhou Qianjie coffee good? The coffee beans of front street coffee are recommended by the delicious coffee beans.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After understanding the basic context of coffee, everyone can easily choose their own coffee beans. Coffee is a drink, and its standard is personal preference, whether you like the mellow blue mountains, the light acid of Africa, or the Panamanian flavors of flower, fruit and tea. In terms of the raw materials used, coffee is the agricultural product used by every producing country, each

After understanding the basic context of coffee, everyone can easily choose their own coffee beans. Coffee is a drink, and its standard is personal preference, whether you like the mellow blue mountains, the light acid of Africa, or the Panamanian flavors of flower, fruit and tea.

In terms of the raw materials used, coffee is an agricultural product used by every producing country, and each country will have corresponding export standards. this rule has determined the quality of most of the beans entering the market, although each country has its own grading system. Most of these grading systems are for the size of beans, which are two different criteria for judging good taste. In fact, every cafe has basically the same amount of beans, and the difference lies in whether they have found better beans to sell.

Although roasting is a very important part of coffee, in fact, as far as the industry is concerned, the criterion for judging whether a coffee is good or not is not good, but whether it has a bad taste. For example, too bitter, too sour, too insipid. If a cup of coffee tastes good, it's not that the baker is good, it's just that the baker has found its state through many attempts.

Qianjie coffee, more to say, is to find out the flavor of different producing areas, drink without thinking, drink Blue Mountain, insipid said, this is the Blue Mountain. This is the definition of a good cup of coffee.