Coffee review

100% Arabica Cafe Japan% arabica boutique Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie-Japan% Arabica boutique coffee% Arabica coffee shop from Kyoto to the world originated in Discovery Bay, Hong Kong * developed in Kyoto, Japan in September 2014, Kenneth Shoji and Junichi Yamaguchi are in a 50-year-old Japanese house next to the antique Masaka Pagoda in Kyoto

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-Japan% Arabica Fine Coffee

% Arabica opens coffee shops all over the world from Kyoto

Originated from Discovery Bay in Hong Kong * developed in Kyoto, Japan in September 2014, Kenneth Shoji and Junichi Yamaguchi opened in a 50-year-old Japanese house next to the quaint Yamaguchi Pagoda in Kyoto. Globally, in just four years since 2014,% Arabica, which focuses on ultra-simple and boutique coffee beans, has set up more than 40 stores in 11 countries around the world.

The founder of% Arabica, Dong Hai Lin Kefan, was born in Japan, where coffee may be similar to the Japanese tea ceremony, and coffee is also more common. Japan is the world's third largest importer of coffee after the United States and Germany. Donghai Linkefan is a coffee lover living all over the world. His rich experience and love of coffee make him decide to make a cup of "the top coffee in the world". As for logo, he said that one day I looked at the% symbol on my computer and saw that it looked very much like a coffee cherry on a branch. I immediately thought that I could use it to build a global brand.

100% pure taste, 100% coffee dream, 100% good-looking cafe, are condensed in this big symbol.

The English word Arabica in Logo means coffee beans Arabica and uses% Arabica coffee beans. In order to ensure the taste of coffee, Donghai Linke Fan specially bought a piece of land in Hawaii before opening the shop to understand the different processes of coffee planting, harvesting and processing. Only in the right place, after careful cultivation and strict screening, can a coffee tree grow high-quality coffee beans. So every cup of coffee is a condensation of enthusiasm and constant exploration.

The idea of% Arabica is "See The World Through Coffee" (seeing the world through coffee), and the world is connected by coffee.

In short: Qianjie is a coffee research hall, happy to share the knowledge about coffee with you, we share unreservedly just to make more friends fall in love with coffee, and there will be three low-discount coffee activities every month. The reason is that Qianjie wants to make more friends drink the best coffee at the lowest price, which has been Qianjie's tenet for 6 years!