Coffee review

Flavor characteristics of Colombian Flower Moon Night Coffee beans how to make coffee by hand?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Columbia Flower Moon Night, at first hearing the name, I think the name is so poetic, I have to think of Zhang Ruoxu's "Spring River Flower Moon Night" ~ ~ the warm and cold March has "Brother"

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee fans know that coffee is usually named after national producing areas. Have you ever heard of the poetic name of "Flower Moon Night"? this article on Qianjie is here to talk to coffee fans about this coffee bean. Let's see what's so special about this Colombian Flower Moon Night coffee bean.

Planting conditions of Colombian coffee beans

Entry-level coffee fans know that Colombia is the third largest coffee producer in the world, mainly producing Arabica beans for the boutique coffee market, so it also produces a lot of famous coffee, such as the Colombian Huilan. The moonlight in Qianjie comes from the Estogatin manor in the Huilan producing area.

At the same time, Colombian coffee cultivation conditions are also unique, according to Qianjie understanding that Colombia's planting altitude is generally 1200-2000m, and also covered with rich volcanic soil, annual rainfall between 2000-3000mm, mild climate, humid air, and because of this, Colombia can harvest coffee fruit all the year round, which is also the inherent advantage that it can become a big coffee producing country.


Colombian coffee bean producing area

As mentioned in the previous article on the street, Colombia's geographical advantage is unique, and because of the undulating mountains, running through the north and south, and different soils, it forms a very rich microclimate, thus creating a number of producing areas that can grow a variety of different flavors of coffee. According to the geographical location, it is divided into four major producing areas: the north, the central, the south and the east.

The central part is best known for Medellin, Armenia and Manizales, while the south is dominated by boutique coffee varieties, including Huila in Huilan, Cauca in Cauca, Narino in Nari ñ o, and Tolima in Tolima, where coffee beans have delicate sour and raspberry aromas, caramel aromas and sweetness.

Colombian cymbidium producing area

Columbia Flower Moon Night Coffee comes from Huilan, an area of hilly land surrounded by mountains, planted above 1500 meters above sea level, and rich in water and soil resources. It is also the most famous coffee producing area in Colombia.

The coffee in Huilan area is grown on the slopes of the canyon, with high altitude and suitable temperature for growing high-quality Arabica beans. The climate of the slopes of the canyon not only prevents the cold wind from blowing in, but there is no high temperature when the mountain breeze is cool, but Rain Water is also relatively abundant, and according to the front street, the pickers of Colombian coffee fruits all pick coffee beans by hand, so they can be carefully selected to pick the most ripe and full fruits.


Estevedogatin Manor

It was also mentioned earlier that Colombian Flower Moon Night Coffee beans came from Astorgatin Manor. Ramirez, the owner of the manor, came from a coffee-growing family, so he had been dealing with coffee since he was a child. and began to engage in coffee production and related work at the age of 18, until he saved a certain amount of savings and bought the Esteogatine manor. The coffee varieties of the former owner of this manor are all Kaddura, so it sets the tone of sour and sweet fruit for the flavor of Flower Moon Night, while the former owner of the manor began to develop a special treatment of coffee fruit as early as three years before the sale of the manor. and shared this unfinished treatment with the new manor owner Ramirez, of course, with his enthusiasm for coffee. To achieve the former manor owner did not complete the special fermentation treatment, that is, the protagonist of the Qianjie article Huayue Night coffee beans special treatment-anaerobic sun treatment, and then Qianjie to talk about what is special about this treatment.


Anaerobic solarization treatment

According to Qianjie view, the coffee beans treated by anaerobic treatment usually have strong aroma and bright wine aroma, mellow thickness, low acidity and good sweetness.

In fact, the process of anaerobic solarization is to put the coffee beans into a sealed fermentation bucket, lengthen the whole fermentation time with low temperature, and give the coffee more flavor after 15-20 days of fermentation. After fermentation, the coffee beans are dried in the sun. Finally, the fermentation process is completed.

Next, let's share the basic information of this Colombian Flower Moon Night coffee bean on the front street.

Front Street Coffee Columbia Flower Moon Night Coffee beans

Country: Colombia

Producing area: Cymbidium

Altitude: 1800m

Variety: Kaddura

Treatment method: anaerobic solarization treatment

Flavor: strawberry jam, fermented wine, chocolate


It is also mentioned in the front street that the Eastogatine Manor grows Kaddura coffee beans, so what is so special about the Kaddura variety?


In fact, Kaddura is a natural variety of bourbon, its tree is not as tall as bourbon, relatively short, so it is easy to harvest. Yield and disease resistance also have an advantage in common coffee varieties, so they are widely cultivated, and there are many Kaddura varieties of coffee beans from other countries in the front street coffee shop, which is a testament to the extent to which it is widely cultivated. Its flavor is also often with refreshing sour fruit and a touch of sweetness.

Of course, every time a new bean is introduced into Qianjie coffee, a large number of cup tests will be carried out to seek its best brewing data. This coffee bean is no exception, and Qianjie is attracted by its name. But you should also taste for yourself whether this coffee bean is really as poetic as its name. After tasting and appreciating Qianjie, Qianjie thinks that Flower Moon Night Coffee Bean is really worthy of its name, and its flavor is also very elegant, while coffee fans who have tasted Flower Moon Night in Qianjie store are also fascinated by its flavor and retain its aftertaste.


The above is some relevant information about Colombian Flower Moon Night coffee beans compiled by Qianjie, hoping to provide coffee fans with some reference in order to select coffee beans that suit their own flavor.

Next, share some data of baking and brewing Colombian Flower Moon Night Coffee in Qianjie for reference by coffee fans.

Baking suggestion

The roaster machine comes from Taiwan's Yang Family Pegasus 800N, with an input of 480 grams. Considering that Columbia Flower Moon Night is an anaerobic sun treatment, medium baking is adopted in order to retain the fruit tone of beans and show full mellow thickness and sweetness on the palate.

Input bean temperature: 180 ℃

Yellowing point: 6: 25150.6 ℃

Burst point: 10: 20,185 ℃

The development after one explosion is 150,196 ℃.


Test the flavor by cup

Dry aroma: berries, nuts, fermented fragrance

Wet fragrance: berries, strawberries, chocolate

Cooking suggestion

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 90 ℃

Amount of powder: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (80% pass rate of No. 20 screen)

Qianjie recommends using freshly roasted coffee beans for brewing, so that you can maximize the rich flavor of the coffee. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.


Washing and cooking technique

Segmented extraction

Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water flow around the circle to 125 grams for sectional injection, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams to stop injection, and so on when the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 2 minutes 39 percent 00 ".

Flavor description

Rich aromas of strawberry jam and roses, with rich flavors of strawberries, jam and wine chocolate.


For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925