Coffee review

Caff è Florian, the oldest coffee shop in Italy, is in danger of closing down.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, At the end of 2020, Caff Florian, the oldest coffee shop in Italy, celebrated its 300th birthday, which was originally a happy thing. However, after 300 years of ups and downs, Flower Cafe will face the crisis of bankruptcy after its birthday. The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 has brought about great changes in many people's way of life.

Caf è Florian, the oldest coffee shop in Italy, celebrated its 300th birthday at the end of 2020. It used to be a happy thing. However, after 300 years of ups and downs, Cafe will face the crisis of bankruptcy after its birthday.

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 has greatly changed the lifestyle of many people, and for the coffee industry as a whole, it has also been clouded with a lot of uncertainty. the owner, who had planned to open a brick-and-mortar cafe, had to press the pause button. Coffee shop operation is not easy to be the consensus of the industry. In the context of the epidemic, the operation of the entire coffee industry has come to an abrupt end, and there has even been a "shop closure" crisis in the past year.

Recently, several media reported that caf è Florian, the oldest coffee shop in Italy, was also covered with a lot of uncertainty because of the huge impact of COVID-19 's epidemic, and is now facing the crisis of closure.

According to Italian newspaper "Republic" and Tgcom24.mediaset website, the outbreak of COVID-19 's epidemic has made Venice, which used to be "overcrowded", lose its vitality like other cities. Local businesses are praying for the epidemic to pass as soon as possible and looking forward to the return of tourists.

Huasen Cafe, an old 300-year-old shop, is facing the collapse of tourists due to the continuing influence of the epidemic. According to reports, before the epidemic, Huasen Cafe was full of modern art celebrities coming and going. Or young people who admire the pilgrimage, writers Hemingway, Truman Capote, Picasso. Gather here all the time.

Data show

Caf è Florian, founded by Floriano Francesconi on December 29, 1720 and officially opened in the Piazza San Marco in Venice, is named after a statue of the ancient Roman goddess FLORE and will be 300years old by the end of 2020.

Anyone who knows anything about European cafes should know that many cafes will be named directly after writers, such as Harry Potter, which is the British female writer J.K. Rowling J.K.Rowling was created by Rowling J.K.Rowling in a The Elephant House coffee shop, and the same is true of the name of the Flower God Cafe. The Flower God Cafe is named after the ancient Roman goddess Flore, its original name is Venezia Trionfante Venice Triumph, and later renamed Florian, the Chinese name is Flower God Coffee.

There has been a survey: "what is the most attractive thing about Paris"? The answer of many tourists is actually the cafes scattered in the streets of Paris, which can be said to be the favorite of the French. In Paris, there are two cafes that must be visited once in a lifetime, one is Flower God Cafe and the other is Shuangao Cafe, so it is spread on the Internet that you can only say that you have been to Paris after going there for a cup of coffee. Xu Zhimo also said: "if there are no cafes in Paris, I am afraid it will not become lovely."

As the oldest coffee shop in Italy, it is obvious that the status of this cafe is of great significance to Italy and France.

Marco Paolini, the person in charge of Huasen Cafe, said: he has been insisting on making every effort to keep the cafe alive, but it is all in vain. Huasheng may not reopen its doors again, especially when the state has not given the store any support in terms of renting.

In addition, the person in charge also said: Huasen Cafe is a rented storefront, part of which belongs to private property and partly belongs to the state, and like many other stores, they have to pay rent to the landlord and the country. in view of the high rental pressure and the expiration date of the franchise granted to the cafe from the state government in 2021, there are many factors that Huasen Cafe cannot reopen to the outside world.

At present, Nicola Pellicani, a representative of the Veneto Regional Democratic Party, will propose rent negotiations to the government on the issue of national real estate rents.

The glorious era of Huasen Cafe

After 300 years of ups and downs, Huasen Cafe is not only a cafe, but also an important page in the history of European civilization. It is the second most beautiful coffee shop in the world, and in the Middle Ages, it was also the only coffee shop in Europe that accepted women. In addition, the prototype of the Venice Biennale was born in its four halls. It played an important role in the unification movement that swept across Italy in the 19th century, and was an important witness to the historical changes of Venice and even Italy.

In addition, another important reason why Flower God Cafe is so famous is that after the 20th century, Flower God Cafe was a gathering place for French writers, and "existentialism" was born here.

Huasen Cafe used to be a cafe frequented by many dignitaries, entrepreneurs, artists, writers and even ambassadors. Zhou Enlai often drank coffee and wrote articles here in the 1920s. Sartre, an existential philosopher, and Simon, a feminist. Beaufort and Beaufort had been together in this coffee shop every day for four years, and later some people said that Beaufort was the "queen" of the god of flowers.

* Image source: Internet