Coffee review

Guangzhou Coffee Shop| Unlimited Coffee, a community coffee shop that gives people a sense of belonging

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Like community coffee shop because of what? Warm, familiar, kitty, dog... Or say that the community coffee shop has become a part of everyone's life. As soon as you enter the door, a familiar and kind greeting, order a cup of coffee, and then... Come on, let's go.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Why do you like community coffee shops?

Warm and familiar, there are still kittens and puppies.

Or the community coffee shop has become a part of everyone's life.

A familiar and cordial greeting as soon as you enter the door, order a cup of coffee, and then.

"come on, let's start together!" Or talk about everyday, gossip or something.


This community coffee shop near Taigucang has two floors, and the small store can feel full of warmth as soon as it enters the door.

There are a lot of decorations in every corner, but they are all neatly decorated, which makes people feel as comfortable as returning to their own room. The praiseworthy bread in the "small window" also gives people a full appetite.

Books casually stacked in the small corner under the bar, ten deadly sins, Strange Tales of Liaozhai, Da Vinci password. It is believed that the shopkeeper is a fan of suspense and mystery novels, which makes people feel that the shopkeeper has a character that likes reasoning, thinking, exploring new and exciting.

There are still many choices of individual coffee in the store, because the editor is a person with entanglement, let the store randomly recommend a type of coffee beans. The store is also very careful to ask about the taste direction, recommended a Shirley barrel treatment of Yega Xuefei coffee beans.

First of all, I smelled the aroma of the ground coffee beans. The dry aroma is as sour as a berry. After cooking, the wet fragrance is the aroma of strawberries, but there is not much flavor in the entrance at high temperature, and the performance is slightly insipid. The store suggests that it should be tasted after cooling slightly.

Taste again after a little cooling, the first part is the acidity of strawberries and the sweetness of a little strawberry sugar, and the middle part is the combination of the sour aroma of sugar orange and the fragrance of jasmine, the overall smooth, soft acidity.

In the process of tasting the hand, a little fat man named "Huang slowly" ran down from the second floor!

"Ah! This is so cute! "

"Ah! Want to pinch its soft waxy face! "

The truest first mental reaction of the above editor at that time.

Suppressing the desire to pinch his face, he picked up the nearest teasing cat stick and confronted the little fat man for a while.

When entering the door, I noticed that there were a lot of creative drinks in this store. Because of entanglement, I once again gave the choice to the store owner.

"I'll make you a Happy American style."

"good! What kind of Happy method? "

"you'll see in a minute! But this cup of coffee needs to be done quickly! "

After the little sister put the water and concentrate into the mixing pot for a meal, she poured out a whole cup of American foam to the editor. Speaking of which, you might ask where Happy is. Shh! Take it easy!

After seeing this cup of American foam, the editor smiled with a "colorful" heart, and then the shopkeeper said, "look!" You smiled! The American name of Happy is correct! " After hearing this sentence, the editor gave out a goose-like laugh!

After entering the Limitless, there is really a sense of belonging, there is no sense of formality between people, decoration and warm light to create a warm atmosphere of the store, the kitten wakes up after the "tour" so that everyone in mind can be relaxed.

Finally, there is a small note! Don't go in a hurry.

I believe many people will think that "Limitless" and "PTN By Limitless" are related ~ (the editor originally thought the same.)

Until this visit to the store found that the style of the two shops are completely different, out of curiosity asked the little sister in the store.

"do you have anything to do with the PTN of the sixth Games Community?"

"No! We are also very upset ~ because we see a lot of people sign in on our comments PTN..... "

So! When you are visiting the store, remember to sign in in the right place.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00 Saturday to Sunday 09:00-19:30

Add: 119-38 Gexin road, Haizhu district, Guangzhou

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925