Coffee review

Guangzhou Yuexiu street community cafe LOCK CHUCK COFFEE suitable for opening coffee shop

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In recent years, community cafes have become one of the topics often discussed in the coffee industry, and today we share with you a community cafe, LOCK CHUCK COFFEE, which was founded in 2015 and is a small community shop with a little history. LOCK CHUCK is hidden in the alleys of the city, surrounded by residential buildings, but because the facade decoration is very unique:

In recent years, community cafes have become one of the topics often discussed in the coffee industry, and today we share with you a community cafe--


The cafe was founded in 2015 and is a small community shop with a little history.

LOCK CHUCK is hidden in the alley of the city, surrounded by residential buildings, but because the facade decoration is very unique: in front of the shop hangs a very conspicuous red flag-LOCK CHUCK (it is said that LOCK is "connected", CHUCK means "chuckle, smile", homonym is also called 67), so it is easy to find.

In the overall decoration, the overall design style of the storefront is a minimalist route, mainly black, white and gray, typical cement mixed green plant style, the minimalist space design looks very warm.

The area of the shop is not very large, but the display in the store is unique, and there are not many positions. There are no seats for two or four in a traditional cafe. There is only a fixed wooden long table, and the other positions are arranged with free-moving tables. In the case of insufficient space, the store will specially add some tables and chairs to sit temporarily, or it can also allow the store to set up a set of tables and chairs outside the store.

The most eye-catching thing in the store is an old-fashioned "walking" Phoenix bike placed on the ceiling and a large stack of foreign language magazines in the corner, which is very impressive as soon as you enter the door.

In terms of production, the menu is very rich, mainly serving coffee and light meals.

Two menus from the shopkeeper

The store offers four types of hand-brewed coffee: Colombian coffee, Papua New Guinea coffee, Peruvian coffee and Rwandan coffee, all of which are washed, mostly from New York roasting companies.

Peruvian washed coffee recommended by the store (obvious papaya chocolate flavor, clean taste)

Espresso includes espresso, American coffee, lattes, cappuccinos and mochas, as well as seasonal limited coffee, such as cherry blossom lattes, white chocolate matcha and sea salt caramel lattes.

In terms of snacks, there is also an Italian cheese muffin and a cup of Japanese milk tea for those who do not like coffee.

The prices of drinks in the shop are between 30 and 50 yuan, and Italian cheese muffins are 96 yuan.

Anyway, the environment is good and the drink is OK (muffins are expensive.

Come to this community cafe when you have nothing to do, and it's great to spend a quiet day here.

Opening hours: 8:00-22:00

Address: 101, No. 6 Rhino Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (exit B1)