Coffee review

The more you drink coffee, the more sleepy you get. What's going on when you want to sleep when you drink coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) obviously everyone drinks coffee, but why does he say that he can't sleep at night, while I become more sleepy after drinking it? Since yesterday I posted an article in the coffee shop entitled "enough time to drink coffee!" How much coffee can I drink at most a day? "after that, the editor saw a

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Obviously everyone drank coffee, but why did he say he couldn't sleep at night after drinking it, while I became more sleepy after drinking it?

Since yesterday I posted an article in the coffee shop entitled "enough time to drink coffee!" How much coffee can I drink at most a day? "after that, the editor saw a very interesting question: what is the reason for being more sleepy after drinking coffee?

Here, the editor also wants to ask you a few questions.

①, is there any sugar in your coffee?

First of all, the editor would like to ask you if you have experienced food. It's the kind of person who suddenly feels sleepy as soon as he has had enough to eat. In addition to the idea that the concentration of blood in the intestines and stomach leads to tiredness, there is also a theory that blood sugar is elevated.

So when the cup of coffee in your hand is very sweet, after you have just inhaled two mouthfuls of the storm, the feeling of food will be energized. You may think that caffeine will wake you up first, only to be knocked down by sugar before you wake up. That's because the body processes sugar much faster than caffeine.

Another 2016 study on type 2 diabetes showed that caffeine can temporarily reduce insulin sensitivity and affect glucose metabolism, thereby raising blood sugar levels.

②, will you have extra water when you drink coffee?

It is well known that coffee has a diuretic function. Hearing this, people may applaud. But there are good and bad, and it may even be an endless cycle of dehydration.

People drink coffee, coffee urges you to urinate. Urinating dehydrates the body. After dehydration, the blood thickens. As the blood thickens, the flow of blood slows down. This slows down the rate at which oxygen is transported. People become dull due to lack of oxygen. At this time, I will drink more coffee.

After drinking and thirsty, friends may not drink alcohol but drink water, but after drinking coffee, dehydration and thirst, in many cases, friends will continue to drink coffee.

③, do you lack B vitamins?

Today's workers can even climb over the wall and run away for a job. If you are busy, the meal will be settled casually. Over time, there is a lack of some kind of nutrition. The body needs to consume B vitamins in its metabolism. When the human body lacks vitamin B, it is easy to feel tired.

In addition to promoting the metabolic rate of the body, caffeine increases the consumption of vitamin B related to nerve and muscle coordination in the body, and caffeine is also a substance that needs to be metabolized out of the body. Therefore, when vitamin B is insufficient, the body itself feels tired, and more substances need to be metabolized out of the body, and the body may send a signal that "my wife can't do it." as a result, you become more sleepy after drinking coffee.

Does ④ drink coffee immediately after drinking it? Or a few hours later?

Friends who have read an article seriously should know that drinking coffee is refreshing because caffeine binds to adenosine receptors. Where did adenosine come from? Adenosine is one of the products of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is well known that ATP is the most direct source of energy in organisms.

I believe we have all experienced long-distance running, after each run, there is a feeling that the body has been hollowed out. In addition to daily exercise, the human body is constantly consuming energy as long as you are breathing. As the body consumes energy, adenosine is produced, which binds to the adenosine receptor and feeds back information on energy consumption to the brain, thus feeling tired. Caffeine is so similar to adenosine that adenosine receptors are preempted by caffeine and fatigue signals cannot be transmitted.

But adenosine doesn't just disappear, it accumulates there, waiting for caffeine to leave its place, and adenosine retaliation begins. Adenosine binds to adenosine receptors, creating a sense of fatigue that pulls you from heaven to hell in a short time.

⑤, did you eat something that counteracts caffeine before drinking coffee?

This is the same as drinking alcohol after taking alcohol medicine. If you eat some food that can counteract caffeine and drink coffee, the caffeine is counteracted in the body, and the body will still feel tired.

As a result, it is concluded that:

Avoid drinking sugary coffee

Remember to drink plenty of water when drinking coffee

A balanced diet supplements some essential nutrients

Moderate intake of caffeine

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