Coffee review

Starbucks designed a mobile coffee cart. What is the most important thing to make a boutique coffee mobile car?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, At noon today, the official Weibo of Beijing Starbucks released such a development: according to a message from Beijing Starbucks, the Starbucks mobile coffee car will be unveiled on the 8th of this month at the Beijing apm Wangfujing East Street Garden on Wangfujing Golden Street. From the picture, the design of this Starbucks mobile coffee car is still very Starbucks style, for example, the design of the whole car is still adopted.

At noon today, the official Weibo of Starbucks in Beijing released the following message:

According to a message from Starbucks in Beijing, Starbucks' mobile coffee truck will be unveiled at Beijing's apm Wangfujing East Street Garden on the 8th of this month.

From the picture, the design of the Starbucks mobile coffee car is still very Starbucks style. for example, the design of the whole car still uses the well-known Starbucks mermaid LOGO and the classic Starbucks green elements.

Some netizens said:

However, this is not the first time the Starbucks mobile coffee truck has made its appearance.

The mobile cafe has already traveled through Wangfujing pedestrian street, according to the official Weibo of Beijing Starbucks.

It is understood that the Starbucks mobile coffee car is divided into two periods of time to be displayed in different places. The first stop will be exhibited at Wangfujing pedestrian Street from August 1 to August 7, and the second will be exhibited at Wangfujing East Street Garden in Beijing from August 8 to August 31.

In addition, during the exhibition of Starbucks mobile coffee cars, consumers can also explore mobile "brown fast" orders on mobile coffee cars.

Starbucks has previously launched a Starbucks mobile coffee car in South Korea.

A week ago, a foreign media reported that South Korea's Starbucks partnered with a British car brand MINI to create the smallest mobile Starbucks coffee shop, which attracted a lot of netizens' attention.

The design of the mobile Starbucks, which is defined as the smallest mobile Starbucks coffee shop in the country, is also very interesting, as we mentioned in the previous article: the trunk of the car is set up as coffee machine equipment, while the convertible is equipped with planks in the seat area. so that the vehicle can be directly transformed into a work bar.

Is there a feeling that Starbucks doesn't sell coffee at all?

I have to sigh that, as a leader in the coffee industry, Starbucks is really good at playing, and the mobile "third space" shuttling through the streets has also brought a "star" experience to consumers.

I don't know since when, mobile coffee carts have become a popular trend.

A small mobile coffee car, although the sparrow is small, complete with five internal organs, but also a variety of shapes.

For example, the special one is a 👇 like this.

A small bike has been converted into a multi-functional and environmentally friendly mobile coffee car (also known as Wheelys Cafe) and has become popular on the Internet.

According to the US website PSFK, Wheelys Cafe is a mobile cafe that sells coffee and light foods on bicycles, founded by Thomas Mazetti.

Founded in 2014, Wheelys Coffee, a smart mobile coffee car brand born in Sweden and incubated in Silicon Valley, entered China in April 2016. Wheelys Coffee can be seen in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu and Qingdao.

In the last two or three years, 👇-shaped mobile coffee cars like this are more popular.

But no matter whether the mobile cafe is transformed from a small bike or a big car, in the process of making coffee, you need to make sure that food safety must be in place, after all, for consumers, food safety is the most important.

* Image source: Internet