Coffee review

What is the Philharmonic pressure? How to use Philharmonic pressure to make delicious coffee

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, "Boss, the funnel for pouring beans in your house is quite special. Where did you buy it?" it just remembered that there was a dusty Philharmonic pressure in the corner of the front street. its needle-shaped appearance is hardly reminiscent of this cooking utensils. There is even a special Philharmonic pressure cooking competition, which

"Boss, the funnel for pouring beans in your house is quite special. Where did you buy it?"it's just a gift from the Philharmonic."


Then I remembered that there was a dusty Philharmonic pressure in the corner of the front street, and its needle-shaped appearance was hardly reminiscent of a cooking utensil. There is even a special Philharmonic pressure brewing competition, which makes people very curious, how can such a strange appliance make a cup of coffee?

The origin of Philharmonic pressure (AeroPress) made its debut in 2005, and its inventor, Alan Adler, is a mechanical engineering lecturer at Stanford University. according to him, the idea of inventing Philharmonic pressure all comes from not satisfying the existing coffee utensils, so he immersed himself in studying the principle of extraction. As inventors, turning ideals into reality is their strength. The nearly 70-year-old father created the Philharmonic pressure.


The structure of the Philharmonic pressure itself is an interesting invention, its whole body consists of three parts: the kettle body, the piston, and the filter cover (which needs to be used with filter paper or filter mesh). It can extract coffee with different roasting and grinding, and the extraction principle is that it combines the soaking of single coffee and the pressurization of Italian coffee, the coffee powder is mixed with water and then soaked in the early stage, and then extracted by piston pressing in the later stage. in order to get a cup of coffee with full flavor.


The cooking method of the Philharmonic pressure: the cooking method of the Philharmonic pressure is divided into positive pressure and reverse pressure, the positive pressure is to install the filter cover on the kettle body, the direction of the filter cover is down, and the coffee powder is poured in and the water is stirred and soaked, and then the piston is stuffed for pressure extraction. However, when the positive pressure is injected, there will be the problem of water seeping out of the filter cover, which leads to the birth of reverse pressure cooking. The reverse pressure is to assemble the piston and the kettle body in advance, place the piston below as the bottom, pour the coffee powder and stir and soak, cover the filter cover and buckle the cup to squeeze and extract. This time we focus on reverse pressure, because Qianjie believes that the uncertainties caused by reverse pressure will be much less, the extraction can be more stable, and friends can quickly get started and drink Philharmonic coffee.


Prepare Philharmonic pressure, coffee beans, hot water, strong water cup, mixing stick, round filter paper before brewing


Use 15g coffee beans, 240ml water, powder / water ratio is 1:16. The water temperature used by Philharmonic pressure does not need to be too high, just between 90 °C and 93 °C. Reverse pressure cooking: ① presses the piston into the kettle and faces the cylinder down


② poured into the ground coffee powder for timing and brewing.



③ stirred the coffee powder to soak it thoroughly.

After one minute, ④ will soak and stick the filter cover on the filter paper, buckle the cup upside down on the filter cover, hold the whole and turn it over.



⑤ begins to pressurize and extract the coffee liquid for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

A simple Philharmonic coffee will be ready! If you want to drink a pot of iced coffee in summer, just reduce the proportion to 1:8. Add 100g ice cubes to the extracted coffee, which will satisfy your summer enjoyment.



Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
