Coffee review

The difference between the flavor characteristics of hand-brewed coffee and coffee maker is hand-brewed coffee really better than coffee maker? Can I use a coffee machine to make coffee beans by hand?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) to make every cup of hand-brewed coffee, you need to patiently start with a warm pot, spread filter paper, and then steam to make a refreshing amber liquid. When hot water is injected, soft and bubbling coffee

Now generally go to coffee shops, shops provide hand-made coffee and espresso, usually less coffee friends may have doubts. It's the same coffee. What's the difference? Qianjie Coffee will explain the characteristics of these two types of coffee. Espresso this is coffee made by an Italian coffee machine, and the coffee extracted directly from the coffee machine is called Espresso espresso. In this way, many kinds of coffee are made by adding various materials to the substrate, such as lattes made from milk. Add water to make American coffee. These are collectively referred to as espresso. The most important feature of espresso is the use of 9bar pressure to extract a cup of coffee with a very high concentration.

How to make espresso? The first step is to remove the powder bowl and wipe it. Wipe the coffee powder bowl before weighing the coffee powder each time to make sure the coffee powder bowl is dry and free of water stains. The second step is to weigh the coffee powder and use an electronic scale to accurately weigh the coffee powder, with a deviation of plus or minus 0.1 grams, as in today's debugging, the amount of coffee powder is adjusted to 19 grams. The third step is to distribute the powder evenly with your hand or dispenser, so that the coffee powder in the coffee powder bowl can be evenly distributed. The uneven distribution of powder will lead to inconsistent density of pressed powder, the part with more powder is denser, and the water flow is more difficult to extract; similarly, the part with less powder is looser, and the water flow is easy to extract too much.

The fourth step is to fill and press the coffee powder accurately with a filler to avoid the tilt of pressed powder.

The fifth step is extraction, gently buckle the handle into the coffee machine, and turn on the extraction switch to extract espresso as soon as possible, in order to prevent the high temperature of the coffee machine from accelerating the volatilization of coffee flavor substances, and to accurately weigh the liquid volume of espresso with an electronic scale. and record the extraction time. Qianjie Coffee today debugged the coffee liquid extraction amount of 38 grams, that is, the proportion of powder and liquid at 1:2, and the time is 27 seconds.

The sixth step is to clean, turn off the extraction switch, remove the handle after stopping the extraction, and release part of the water to wash the boiling head. Hand-brewed coffee is also a way of extraction. Hand-brewed coffee is a pressure-free free-fall extraction. In the whole extraction process, the speed of water passing through coffee powder is the key to extraction. Separate the coffee grounds from the coffee liquid through filter paper to get a clean and delicious cup of black coffee. The most important feature of hand-brewed coffee is the primitive expression of the flavor of coffee beans, different coffee beans can use the form of hand-brewed coffee to brew the taste of coffee. In addition, compared with the Italian coffee machine, the convenient property of hand-brewed coffee is obviously reflected. Therefore, many coffee shops have a variety of coffee beans to choose from, while the beans of espresso will be largely fixed by the store.

Qianjie introduces you to a more common method of cooking, called "three-stage water injection". To put it simply, the whole water injection process is divided into three parts. It includes the first stage of steaming and water injection. Take the Huilan of Colombia to wash Kaddura as an example, the parameters used in the front street are 15 grams of coffee powder as the standard, the powder-water ratio is 1:15, the water temperature is 88 ℃, the degree of grinding is medium-coarse grinding, and the pass rate of the No. 20 standard sieve is 65%.

Cooking process

First of all, make preparations (warm filter cup, lower pot, grind coffee, prepare water at the right temperature) and pour in the coffee powder. Carry out the first stage of water injection and start timing at the same time. In the first section, 30 grams of hot water is injected and circled outward from the center, and the coffee powder absorbs water and slowly expands to form a bulging "coffee burger".


Stop injecting water to 30 grams of water and wait for 30 seconds of steaming time. The electronic scale shows that the second stage of water injection begins in 31 seconds, and the water flow remains stable and vertical when the water column hits the coffee powder layer. This section releases the coffee foam and permeates the whole powder layer surface. The liquid level is pulled up to the root of the short ribs, and the amount of water injected into this section is 100 grams.


When the liquid level drops to 1 stroke 2, the last stage of water injection begins, this section also "smells fragrance" along the center to inject 95 grams of water, the original dark brown foam turns into a yellowish coffee foam, and the liquid level also returns to the water level of the second stage of water injection. After all the coffee liquid flows into the pot, remove the filter cup and end the extraction.


How to judge the time point of reinjection?

Three-stage water injection will have two reinjection time points, namely the second stage and the third stage, the second stage water injection time point is very easy to grasp, usually the second stage water injection can be carried out 30 seconds after steaming. The third stage of water injection is more difficult to master, because there is no fixed time point, usually wait for the water level to drop by 1 / 2 or 2 / 3 before water injection.

When the water level drops by 1 × 2 or 2 / 3, neither too much water will accumulate in the filter cup, nor will the powder bed be exposed because the water level drops too much, resulting in uneven extraction of coffee powder from the upper and lower layers.

After the water level drops, the water flow can directly penetrate the stagnant water to wash and stir the lower layer of powder. If the water level is too high and the impact of the water column is not enough, the upper layer of the coffee powder bed will be over-extracted, while the lower layer of coffee powder will not be extracted enough.

So what kind of coffee beans are suitable for people who are new to hand-brewed coffee? Front Street Coffee washed Yega Xuefei G2 country: Ethiopia: Yega Chuefei altitude: 1800-2000 m varieties: local native species treatment method: washing treatment flavor: jasmine, berries, lemon, citrus

Yirga cheffe is a small town in Ethiopia, 1700-2100 meters above sea level. It is one of the highest coffee producing areas in the world and is synonymous with Ethiopian boutique coffee. Lake Turkana, Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo bring rich water vapor here. The Rift Valley, represented by Misty valley, is foggy all the year round, like spring all the year round, with a gentle breeze, cool and humid, and thousands of coffee trees thrive, giving birth to the unique and unpredictable flavor of Yega Xuefei, which is intertwined with flower and fruit aromas. The so-called Yega Chuefei flavor, refers to the rich citrus lemon acid, rich jasmine aroma, light and elegant taste, with a sense of tea, tastes like fresh and clean lemon tea. Qianjie is considering that washing treatment will better reflect the cleanliness of coffee taste and pure flavor, so when analyzing the specific flavor of a coffee producing area, it will take the washed beans in that area as a reference. If each beginner has not drunk Yejia Xuefei, Qianjie will first recommend the washed Yejia Xuefei, which will help to form the understanding of the flavor of the producing area, and then try the Yejia Xuefei, which is treated by tanning, honey treatment and so on. There can be a direction of comparison. Qianjie coffee brewing recommended water temperature: 90-91 degrees grind degree: BG#6m (fine sugar size / No. 20 sieve bowl sieve powder to 80%) Powder water ratio: 1:15 Powder content: 15g

Qianjie cooking technique: the first section is filled with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, followed by 95 grams (the electronic scale shows that about 125 grams), and the injection is completed in about 1 minute. When the water level drops to the powder layer 2 gram 3, inject the remaining 100 grams (about 225 grams shown by the electronic scale), about 1 minute and 40 seconds. 1, 39, 39, 55, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, Cooking flavor: the aroma of jasmine, the sense of berry juice, the acidity of lemon and citrus, bright, clean and fresh as a whole.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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