Coffee review

What kind of equipment do you need to make coffee by hand? Introduction to novice starter cooking equipment tools

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, When you find that you are no longer satisfied with going to the store for coffee, but have the idea of making a pot of your own, and then open the shopping software and start to "chop hands" to place an order. Congratulations on your success in making coffee! Today, there are tens of thousands of cooking utensils on the market, and each price stall has corresponding brands and products, which can be used in limited advance.


When you find that you are no longer satisfied with going to the store for coffee, but have the idea of making a pot of your own, and then open the shopping software and start to "chop hands" to place an order. Congratulations on your success in making coffee!

Today, there are tens of thousands of cooking utensils on the market, and each price stall has corresponding brands and products, so it is best to buy cost-effective equipment within a limited budget. In the face of a wide range of styles, how should a novice choose?


Invest limited budget in bean grinder

No matter how much budget you have, you can't make good coffee without a good bean grinder. The so-called easy to use, it at least needs to be uniformly ground.

Some friends may think that the popular bean grinder on the market is too expensive, so they just buy a hand grinder of about 100 yuan, or a "bean chopper" that is not a coffee grinder at all. Then it is found that it is not only laborious, the grinding particles are coarse and fine, and the fine degree can not meet the requirements of hand punching at all.


We should know that the "expensive" of the bean grinder is mainly reflected in the grinding cutter head, which directly affects the particle size distribution of coffee powder and determines whether the powder thickness is uniform or not. Only coffee powder with uniform particles and moderate size can release flavor substances evenly when in contact with hot water, thus reducing the risk of insufficient extraction and over-extraction. Therefore, of all the hand-flushing equipment, the most important investment is the bean grinder.

Of course, the price determines the quality and function of the bean grinder. The higher the budget, the higher the selectivity. For beginners, Qianjie suggests that the budget for choosing a hand bean grinder should not be less than 200 yuan. For the idea of buying a bean grinder, you can also refer to "hand mill or electric mill?" How to choose a bean grinder that suits you? ".


When the bean grinder is bought, we have to find the right degree of grinding. We always see that the hand grinding degree should be medium grinding and medium fine grinding. If we change to different bean grinders, the calibration standards are not consistent. Because the street will be equipped with a caliber 0.85mm No. 20 standard screen for screening, the price is not expensive for more than ten yuan.

How to choose a hand flushing pot

As a water injection appliance, the controllability of hand punch is the most important for beginners, which is mainly reflected in two aspects: the shape and capacity of the spout.


The design of the spout affects the difficulty of the water outlet and the shape of the water column. In front of the street, it is recommended to use a gooseneck small mouth kettle, which is more conducive to novice control of the flow of water. As for the size of the hand punch pot determines the center of gravity of water injection, the kettle body is too small to tilt the center of gravity forward, the water flow is easy to be erratic; the kettle body is too large (heavy) is not easy to use, Qianjie suggested that the capacity of 500~600ml hand flushing is more appropriate.

Functionally, the hand punch can be divided into two types: temperature control and non-temperature control. If you have water boiling equipment at home, choosing a hand punch with no heating function can reduce some of the cost. Take the most common b pot as an example, you can have it with a non-temperature-controlled version less than 300, but you need to be equipped with a quick-display thermometer for temperature measurement.


Filter cup and filter paper

The existence of the filter cup can be said to be the symbol of hand-brewed coffee. A practical filter cup can make the brewing effect of each packet of coffee beans more stable. Generally speaking, the difference in filter cup price is reflected in the design patent, material and appearance. If the pursuit of high performance-to-price ratio, Qianjie recommended resin version of the V60 filter cup.


Filter paper has little effect on the whole hand, but it has a great influence on the quality of coffee flavor. Qianjie's suggestion is to give priority to big brands, such as Kono filter paper used in Qianjie. On the question of how to choose log filter paper and bleached filter paper, Qianjie is more inclined to bleach filter paper. Because the smell of the bleached filter paper is not obvious, it will not affect the taste of the coffee. The size is selected according to the model of the filter cup and can be matched.


Electronic scales can not be saved

Qianjie noticed that some friends felt that they could make coffee by hand, so they thought that they did not need to weigh it electronically. The coffee brewed every time also changed with their mood, sometimes bitter and sometimes sweet. Therefore, Qianjie thinks that in order to make a good coffee, it is necessary to have a fast-display electronic scale with timing function.


The rest of the sharing pots are dispensable containers. In terms of functionality, any cup is fine, because it will not affect the taste of coffee. But if you pursue a complete sense of ritual, then buy professional coffee utensils, the price is about 100-150 yuan.


For the price choice of the above equipment, Qianjie believes that beginners are still in the familiar stage, in addition to the bean grinder should be picked out, other equipment can make do with, first use low-configuration version, try different flavor types of coffee beans to practice. Wait for yourself to gradually understand some extraction principles, find their own preferences, according to their own advanced needs, and then decide how to upgrade their own equipment.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
