Coffee review

The brewing time of coffee brewing in the autoclave how much water is used in the autoclave?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, As one of the simplest operation of brewing utensils, the pressure kettle does not need strict water injection techniques and complex variable control, so it is often the first choice for lazy people to make coffee. The French kettle FrenchPress, which originated in France, consists of a cylindrical container and a lid with one in the middle that can be pulled up and down.


As one of the simplest operation of brewing utensils, the pressure kettle does not need strict water injection techniques and complex variable control, so it is often the first choice for lazy people to make coffee.

French kettle French Press

Originated in France, it consists of a cylindrical container and a lid with a metal strainer that can be pulled up and down to separate coffee grounds from coffee liquid for controlled extraction. The principle of the pressure pot is the same as when we make tea. After soaking the coffee powder in hot water for a certain period of time, the piston is inserted down and the coffee liquid is filtered. Although it is really convenient for the French pressure pot to brew the coffee, some friends still give feedback to the front street, and the coffee made by oneself is always unsatisfactory.

How rough is the grinding? How long do you soak? How hot is the water? What is the proportion?

Usually when we look at the tutorials for the use of the pressure kettle, it is generally recommended to use rough grinding. Qianjie recommends that we choose the thickness of 70% of the screening rate of China's No. 20 standard sieve, that is, the size of coarse sugar.


Rough grinding can not only improve the fault tolerance of the extraction process, but also reduce the ultra-fine powder brought by grinding. The metal screen of the pressure pot is generally between 80 and 300 microns, and the filter hole is visible to the naked eye, so the fine powder is easy to pass through and enter the coffee liquid to become turbid. Of course, if you want to pursue more levels of flavor and taste, you can also use fine grinding, remember to reduce the soaking time to avoid over-extraction.


Time is a parameter that can be freely controlled by the autoclave. Without artificial stirring factors, soaking time is one of the key factors affecting the extraction rate. Under the same conditions, generally speaking, the longer the extraction time, the stronger the taste, but it is also more likely to lead to bitterness, astringency and wood taste. With rough grinding, it is recommended that the soaking time of light roasted coffee in Qianjie is about 4 minutes, while medium-deep roasted coffee is more likely to extract bitterness, so soak to 3 minutes and 30 seconds. This time can fully release the positive flavor substances, but also avoid the bitterness caused by soaking for too long.


As the pressure kettle is a direct one-time completion of water injection, the temperature of the extraction will slowly drop over time, so it needs to be slightly higher than the water temperature of hand flushing. If you brew light-roasted sour coffee, you can use 92-94 ℃, while medium-to-deep-roasted bitter coffee is recommended to use 89-90 ℃. The room temperature is lower in autumn and winter, so we can preheat the kettle with boiling water in advance to reduce the heat dissipation during extraction.

Adjusting the concentration of coffee is of course inseparable from the ratio of powder to water. Qianjie generally recommends brewing with the ratio of powder to water at 1:16. For example, if you use 15 grams of coffee, you should pour in 240ml water. The concentration of coffee brewed with this ratio will be about 1.1-1.2%, which is a very comfortable concentration range. If you have friends who like something rich, you can also use the 1:15 ratio.


"is this coffee bean suitable for pressing kettle bubbles?"

After choosing a coffee bean, many guests ask whether Qianjie is suitable for French kettle brewing. In theory, the kettle is suitable for all coffee beans that can be made by hand, but considering that its extraction principle belongs to static soaking extraction, the oil brings more weight to the coffee, and the flavor tends to be mellow and balanced, so it is more suitable for coffee roasted above medium, such as dark chocolate, nut and caramel flavor. If you use shallow sour coffee to extract, the flowers and fruit notes in the coffee are easy to be covered up, but do not highlight the rich flavor level.

Lazybones should also clean and maintain your utensils

The metal filter screen of the pressure pot will absorb and accumulate the oil released from coffee after long-term use, and the residue on the filter screen and pressure rod will oxidize and deteriorate, thus affecting the follow-up use. So we must remember to clean the kettle in time after we finish using the kettle. When cleaning the kettle, take apart all the metal parts, whether the container or the parts need to be cleaned with detergent and completely dry, dry and then put away.


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