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Prediction: will human beings become coffee people in a thousand years?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A documentary called the Bravo Evolution report, to be broadcast by a British television station, has attracted widespread attention recently. The documentary depicts the evolution of mankind in the future, saying that mankind will reach the golden age in the year 3000 AD, but will differentiate into tall, smart genetic rich and short, ignorant genetic poor in 100000 years' time. The writer of the documentary, Oliver Curry,

A documentary called the Bravo Evolution report, to be broadcast by a British television station, has attracted widespread attention recently. The documentary depicts human evolution in the future, saying that human beings will reach a "golden age" in the year 3000 AD, and then differentiate into tall and smart "genetic rich" and short and ignorant "genetic poor" 100000 years later.

The documentary's screenwriter Oliver Curry, an evolutionary theorist at the Darwin Research Centre at the London School of Economics, wrote the Bravo Evolution report and made it into a documentary at the invitation of Bravo Television. In the film, Curry describes the course of human evolution 1000 years later and even 100000 years later by analyzing the impact of technological, biological and environmental factors on future human beings.

The report predicts that mankind will reach the "golden age" of evolution around 3000 AD. Due to the continuous improvement of nutrition and medical technology, human beings will grow taller and live longer. In addition, as a result of the marriage between different races, the color of human skin will become the same brown, and there will be no more racial discrimination in the world, because there is no difference between races. "by then, the average height of men will be between 1.83 meters and 2.13 meters, while human life expectancy will be extended to 120 years," the report said. "

Under the influence of the power of sexual selection, humans will be divided into two different species in about 100000 years, the report said. One is the "genetically rich" as perfect as the ancient Greek sculpture, and the other is the "genetic poor" who are as ugly as monsters.

Some people with excellent genes will increasingly live in a special circle, and they will become taller, healthier, smarter and more creative, while the remaining "genetically poor" will become short, ugly, unhealthy or even unsmart, the report explained. "it's like letting Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have a baby, who will have the best genes," the report said. "in the future world, it will be easier for this type of people to come together."

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