Coffee review

Coffee shop coffee shop drink recommendation coffee shop hot drink recommendation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Winter is a season for people to love and hate. What I hate is that the wind is bitterly cold and I have to wear a lot of warm clothes. It is really painful and painful to change clothes when I get up in the morning. But winter also makes people feel very much looking forward to. Because there are many happy festivals one after another: Christmas, New Year's Day, Lunar New year, Lantern Festival and Valentine's Day, it is also time to take a break, take a rest, and

Winter is a season for people to love and hate. What I hate is the bitterness of the wind. I have to wear a lot of warm clothes. It is really painful and painful to change clothes when I get up in the morning. But winter makes people feel very much looking forward to. Because there are many happy festivals one after another: Christmas, New Year's Day, Lunar New year, Lantern Festival and Valentine's Day. After a busy year, it's time to take a break, get some rest, and get together with friends and relatives.

What does winter remind you of? Mom's home warm hot pot, Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil, and a cup of hot cafe for Dad, um, and those warm food ingredients: cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, star anise, gingerbread, orange peel and hot chocolate, etc. In winter, there is nothing better than holding a hot cafe in your hand.

One: hot berry cinnamon wine

① 10ml blackcurrant syrup

② 10ml cinnamon syrup

③ 120ml red wine

④ 60ml cranberry juice

Pour all ingredients into a glass and steam. Garnish with lemon slices and cloves.

Two: orange fragrant ginger tea

① 20ml orange peel syrup

② 20ml gingerbread syrup

③ 45ml brandy

④ 200ml hot black tea

⑤ 5 cloves

⑥ 2 slices of orange

Pour all the ingredients into a hot drink cup and stir well.

Three: hot Moxido

① 30ml moxie syrup

② 45ml rum

③ 200ml hot tea

④ 10 mint leaves

3 lime corners of ⑤

Mash the lime horn and syrup into a cup, add mint leaves, pour in hot tea and stir well.

Tip: the temperature of hot drinks is generally controlled at around 55 degrees, giving people a favorite sense of warmth in winter, rather than lukewarm depression.