Coffee review

Coffee shop bar classic technical manual coffee shop operation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Operation: sugar water cooking raw materials: granulated sugar or cotton white sugar use equipment: gas stove or induction cooker, snow pan, bar spoon, measuring cup operation time: 8 minutes operation procedure: 1. Confirm the amount of sugar boiled. Generally speaking, the 300ml is 1 unit (that is, 10oz), which is 1500-2000 yuan per day, and the bar is ready for flow. The specific amount of preparation is based on the surplus of sugar water and bar flow.

Operation items: boiling sugar water

Raw materials: granulated sugar or cotton sugar

Equipment: gas stove or induction cooker, snow pan, bar spoon, measuring cup

Operation time: 8 minutes

Operation steps:

1. Confirm the amount of sugar boiled. Generally speaking, the 300ml is 1 unit (that is, 10oz), which is 1500-2000 yuan per day, and the bar is ready for flow. The specific reserve is based on the amount of sugar water remaining and the estimated amount of water running at the bar to increase or decrease as appropriate (based on 1 unit).

two。 Operation: add an appropriate amount of water to the snow pan, the ratio of water to sugar is 1:2 (for example, boiling 300ml sugar water requires water 150ml, sugar 300g.) The fire boiled.

3. Add the prepared white sugar to the boiling water (sugarcane is the best raw material), stir well, then simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.

4. When there are small bubbles on the surface of the sugar water, the overall process of the sugar water is slightly bright and golden, and turn off the fire when it is brought up with a more emphasized sense of stickiness.

5. Put the boiled sugar water into the cup and cool in a cool place.

6. Place the cooled sugar water in the sugar water bottle and mark the label.

Operation items: Pearl cooking

Raw materials: cassava flour balls

Equipment: gas stove or induction cooker, snow pan, bar spoon, measuring cup

Operating time: 15 minutes

Operation steps:

1. Confirm the cooking quantity of vermicelli. Generally 200g is 1 unit, that is, the base amount of 10 cups of pearl milk tea is calculated as 40g per cup. According to the sales of milk tea in the store, you can increase or decrease as appropriate (based on 0.5 unit).

two。 Operation: pour an appropriate amount of water into the snow pan, the ratio of water to pearls is 5 1Kg~1.4Kg, the amount of water depends on the amount of pearl cooking and firepower, large amount of pearl, large amount of water, large amount of firepower.) The fire boiled.

3. In the boiled water, add the pre-weighed pearls, stir fully, cover and simmer, adjust the heat after 3 minutes, fully stir and simmer again, simmer over low heat after 4 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes after 5 minutes, the total operation time is 15 minutes.

4. When the powder ball is naturally floating, bright black, the volume is twice the original volume, the surface is smooth and the interior is full of tenacity.

Operation items: Pearl preservation

Use raw materials: sugar water, ice cubes

Use equipment: measuring cup

Operation time: 3 minutes

Operation steps:

1. Put the snow pan filled with hot pearl powder under running water and rinse with running water to cool down.

two。 Put the cooled pearl powder balls in rock sugar water and keep them cool and anti-oxidation.

3. Ratio of ice sugar water: ice / sugar water / pearl 2-1-1 and 400g ice 200g sugar water for preservation of 200g pearls

4. The best shelf life of pearls is 6 hours.