Coffee review

The opening of Cathay Pacific Cafe extends the concept of corporate public welfare

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cathay Pacific Life Zhejiang Branch made use of the existing workplace to transform the "Cathay Pacific Cafe" with corporate characteristics, on the one hand as employee welfare, on the other hand as a platform for corporate public welfare undertakings.

“国泰咖啡馆”开业 延伸企业公益理念

I'm not at the cafe. I'm on my way to the cafe. Cafe culture has become the main place for modern people to communicate and communicate, and it has also become the main place for modern people to read, think and rest.

In line with the loving business philosophy of "caring for social responsibility and advocating employee care", Cathay Pacific Life Zhejiang Branch made use of the existing workplace to transform the "Cathay Pacific Cafe" with corporate characteristics, on the one hand, as employee welfare. on the other hand, it is also a platform for corporate public welfare undertakings.

On May 12, Cathay Pacific Cafe held a grand opening ceremony with a group of special guests, teachers and students from Chun'an Jiukeng Township Primary School. Cathay Pacific Cafe, as an employee benefit, is fully borne by the company, but the company encourages employees to invest a certain amount of money, which will be used to regularly subsidize Jiukeng Township Primary School as a school teaching fund.

At the opening ceremony, Huang Shifang, general manager of Cathay Pacific Life Zhejiang Branch and Qian Peng, headmaster of Jiukeng Township Primary School in Chun'an County, jointly signed the appointment letter of Cathay Pacific Cafe, which means that the public welfare docking cooperation between Cathay Pacific Life Zhejiang Branch and Jiukeng Township Primary School has officially begun. Well-known singer Ai GE also advocated the public welfare activity. she sang her own famous songs live, advocated the concept of public welfare to the guests, and supported the public welfare activities with her own practical actions.

In order to help broaden the horizons of primary school students in Jiukeng Township, Cathay Pacific Life Zhejiang Branch carefully planned and arranged a two-day itinerary, including participation in the 2012 Cathay Pacific Life Children's painting Competition sponsored by the Young Pioneers Hangzhou working Committee, Hangzhou Youth activity Center and Cathay Pacific Life Zhejiang Branch. Some students invited by the Natural selection Club and students from Jiukeng Township Primary School will work together to complete the painting.

Since its inception, Cathay Pacific Life has been pursuing the business philosophy of "trusting each other and loving each other". The establishment of Cathay Pacific Cafe is also an extension of this concept. On the one hand, this creates the concept of "office cafe" combined with public welfare, on the other hand, it is also the embodiment of Cathay Pacific's loving culture of "caring for social responsibility and advocating employee care".

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