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New business strategy: drinking coffee and learning English

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Seeing that Zhongshan lacks a relaxed and natural English learning environment, some educational institutions timely launched the program of "eating and drinking coffee, learning English easily", allowing students to chat with foreign teachers while drinking coffee, so as to improve their English conversation.

Situational teaching is fully interactive in the classroom and is favored by students.

English is called an international language and has a large number of learners. However, apart from learning English in class, primary and middle school students in Zhongshan have very few opportunities to come into contact with English in their daily life. It is not easy to speak fluent English. Nowadays, some educational institutions are aware of the lack of a relaxed and natural English learning environment in Zhongshan, so they timely launch the program of "eating and drinking coffee, learning English easily", allowing students to chat with foreign teachers while drinking coffee, so as to improve their English conversation.

Some English education experts say that the traditional English education model is no longer suitable for the current educational environment, and the concept of learning English happily and easily will be gradually integrated into the lives of students and parents.

Deng Yongqiu

Free English dialogue for dinner

When we first entered the "Tea and Rice language", people did not realize how much the restaurant had to do with English training. In terms of decoration, there is not much difference between here and the ordinary western restaurant, in the eyes of some people who do not know the "inside", it is only a western restaurant. But when you sit for a long time, you will find the difference here. In addition to the menu, the menu here will be written on the English class schedule.

In the eye-catching position of the dining table, there is also a warm reminder that "if you need to communicate in English, you can talk with foreigners for free." How long can I communicate with foreigners for free? The waiter said, "it's usually 15 minutes, but it depends on your English proficiency. If foreigners are happy, they will communicate with you for a longer time."

Lin Liang, head of the western restaurant, said: "knowing that most Zhongshan students do not have the opportunity to use English conversation, and many working people also need social English skills and practice space, they are the first to create a 'tea and rice language'. To provide a relaxed and natural English learning environment for students who come here."

After all, there are few opportunities for students to communicate directly with foreigners in school. if children are allowed to study with foreigners, it will break the mystery of English. Mr. Liang, a citizen, told the reporter that his children, who are in the first year of junior high school, have been learning "Tea and Rice language" for some time. "I don't want to learn much here, but the most important thing is to establish an interest in foreign languages."

Nowadays, in the way of foreign language learning, situational interactive learning is the most popular among students, and situational English training institutions such as Tea and Rice language are also rising rapidly. Sharon, a teacher at the American League English Zhongshan Center, also said that experiential teaching can fully interact in the classroom and integrate life into the classroom in order to attract students. The center's business courses, outdoor activity courses and so on pay great attention to these. Such as badminton activity courses, foreigners and students play badminton together, including every action, scoring, are English communication.

Happy English is not a dream

In addition to the newly emerging situational teaching, in the complex English training market, a new experiential interactive children's English has also emerged in Zhongshan.

Love to play is the nature of children, but when they look at the heavy schoolbags on their shoulders and the longing for the world in their eyes, parents no longer have the heart to put a heavier burden on their emaciated shoulders. Although it is said that "learning should be down-to-earth and have fun", times are changing and ideas are also changing. If we can integrate "learning solidly" with "having fun" and truly realize teaching with pleasure, it is no longer a dream to have both fish and bear paws, so why not? At present, an increasingly popular idea among parents is that children have to learn English while "playing".

Xue Wen, chairman of TPR English School, believes that at present, the purpose of children's participation in training is not only to increase knowledge, but also to enrich the traditional way of study and life. Therefore, teaching in the way of games breaks through the traditional educational mode of separating teaching from learning and the traditional educational concept of acquiring knowledge, and the flow of knowledge changes from monotonous one-way flow to lively and interesting interactive two-way communication. For example, TPR English has designed rich and colorful happy English learning courses, and taking into account the multiple intelligences of students, designed corresponding all-English sports, songs and stories and other links, so that children can frequently use the English knowledge they have learned and master it, so as to achieve the perfect effect of rapidly improving oral English and listening.

Xiao Duhao, director of the Zhongshan Women's and Children's activity Center, said that a good language environment is very important to children's language ability, so it is very important to cultivate children's interest in English learning and master certain English learning methods from an early age. "through games, songs, pictures and other lively forms, through the memory of common words, simple everyday words and comparative words, the methods to cultivate children's interest and sense of English are the most effective at present." At present, the center has also adopted the method of "teaching with fun" in its spring English training courses.

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