Coffee review

How to run a good coffee shop

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In fact, I've always wanted to write a little story about the operation of a coffee shop. Always in everyone's impression, I am a person who is more emotional than rational and thinks that I don't know much about management. Therefore, in opening a coffee shop, guests often put forward a variety of business ideas to me. I am very grateful to them, but sometimes I feel that my business thinking is completely different from theirs. I am not.

In fact, I've always wanted to write a little story about the operation of a coffee shop. Always in everyone's impression, I am a person who is more emotional than rational and thinks that I don't know much about management. Therefore, in opening a coffee shop, guests often put forward a variety of business ideas to me. I am very grateful to them, but sometimes I feel that my business thinking is completely different from theirs. I am not saying that their opinions are unreasonable, but I just feel that I have a different understanding of cafes. Therefore, I would like to borrow this article to tell you my idea of running a coffee shop.

First of all, what I want to emphasize is that I want to talk about how to open a good coffee shop, not how to open a big coffee shop. Chinese people sometimes think that the big is good, but this view is wrong. Our country is very large, but it is not as good as some small countries in northern Europe in many welfare benefits. That's the difference between big and good.

There is a difference between a good cafe and a big cafe. Starbucks, for example, is a big coffee shop, but it may not be a good coffee shop. There are some very small cafes, open in a very special place, there is a very beautiful scenery outside the window, it is very comfortable to sit there, this is a good coffee shop. There are also many small cafes, in which many people read, write or work, and among them will gradually change from strangers to familiarity, and finally there will be a lot of stories, which can be called a good cafe.

A coffee shop with no scenery and no story is not a good coffee shop in my opinion.

A good coffee shop is good enough to pick the customers you like. I saw an article written by a coffee elder in Sanlian Weekly. His friend opened a leisure hotel in Dali. A guest went in and yelled, and finally asked if there was a room. He and the clerk answered at the same time. He said no, the staff said yes. He glared at the staff and said he had made a mistake and that there was no room left. Afterwards, he told the clerk that a good store should choose the customers he likes. If more customers come, it will have an impact on the original customers, affect the image of their store in the eyes of customers, and then affect the business.

Some people say that coffee shops must advertise more and print more leaflets. In fact, people who say such things may really seldom visit coffee shops. They often see Mingdian and all kinds of coffee shops on both sides of the strait, but do they walk into the past? I think most of the people who walk into the coffee shop come because of the recommendation and introduction of their friends. You see KFC and McDonald's advertisements everywhere on TV, but have you seen many Starbucks ads? Coffee shop this thing, is the need for cumulative precipitation and accumulation, good word-of-mouth is the best advertising. In fact, their understanding of advertising is very narrow, that is, printing more leaflets and publishing more newspapers. In my opinion, it is a waste of both money and manpower. Coffee shop this thing, what needs more is a kind of soft advertisement, let the consumer unconsciously fall in love with you, but do not know it.

Many people say that 1923 should be a big billboard so that people can see it. I don't agree with all of this. In the past, the 1923 signboard was very small, but at the suggestion of a friend, I changed to a bigger signboard, but I didn't want to be a signboard. In itself, I don't like things that are commercial and fast-paced, and I hate things that are strong in appearance and weak in content. Coffee shop is a leisure, low-key, cultural place, a large and eye-catching billboard, in my opinion, will seriously damage the atmosphere of the coffee shop. A cafe without any signs is itself the biggest sign.

Others say that everything should be standardized, clothing and service should be standardized in 1923. I think this is the theory of forced demolition. For example, in the current urban construction, we blindly pursue uniformity and tear down some buildings that are originally rich in history and individuality. when you walk on the street, you are all identical buildings. Living here, it erodes your imagination and makes your life extremely monotonous. The cafe is a place with artistic imagination, and I don't want my shop to be stiff, so my 1923 is to write menus by hand without big billboards and the way shop assistants greet customers. I also want to be casual and have their own personalities. But you have to make the customer feel friendly.

Our coffee is sometimes made differently. At the beginning of the store, two or three and I made the same cup of coffee and had our own different practices. In my opinion, coffee itself is a work of art. I don't like it with him, so the coffee I make is naturally different. Just like the same paragraph, we write with a pen on paper, he has his feelings, I have mine, and you can often drink whoever you like.

There are also many people who say that coffee in coffee shops must be refurbished frequently. In fact, if you think about it, you will find that many big restaurants are only famous for one or two dishes. If you go to Quanjude, you must order roast duck, and if you go to Tianjin, you will ignore the dog. Besides, there are only a few kinds of coffee beans in the world, and renovation means to make some improvements in style and flower drawing. I don't really like some fancy coffee, it is too gaudy, with sugar, milk and chocolate, which seriously affects the original flavor of the coffee. In the West, real coffee lovers may only drink one or two kinds of coffee in their whole life, because of habit problems, they are not used to drinking other coffee. The reason you keep changing coffee may be because you are not a coffee lover in the first place. In fact, good coffee is like drinking beer, once you like which flavor, it will be very difficult to change.

A person who is too emotional may not run a coffee shop well. But an absolutely rational person, he doesn't even have to open a cafe. People who really like cafes and cafes are emotional. As long as they enter the cafe, they can resonate with the owner through the layout, music and words of the shop. On the other hand, a completely rational person does not have these concepts in his mind at all. He only knows how to count money at night and how can he think of the word resonance.

People who only want to make money cannot open coffee shops. Coffee shops are very likely to close down and are very difficult to operate. You can't expect him to bring you huge profits. In fact, when you think about it, your like-minded wife met when you opened a coffee shop, which in itself is a big gain that some people will never get.

And, by the way, I would like to say that 1923 is not closed down, it will always exist, but it needs to be adjusted in the process of growing up to get rid of some impetuous and should not have things. Maybe in a few days, it will appear in a better form.

And my coffee dream will last forever.