Coffee review

There are 7 cafes suitable for dating in Shanghai.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If you want to ask the preferred place for dating, the cafe is one of them. Let's take a look at the seven cafes suitable for dating in Shanghai.


1. Antique garden

Address: 44A Sinan Road, Luwan District, Shanghai (near Xiangshan Road)

Reason for recommendation: the foreign house with a small garden stands quietly on Sinan Road, full of Shanghai-style European flavor. Slow music, quiet afternoon.


two。 Taofen Western language Book Company

Address: 325 Changle Road, Luwan District, Shanghai (near South Shaanxi Road)

Reason for recommendation: the inconspicuous exterior wall is such a famous bookstore. Even if I can't read English, I can feel the beauty of the book sitting in the coffee shop in the corner. Ice cream is highly recommended. It is unknown but memorable. If you want to ask the preferred place for dating, the cafe is one of them. Let's take a look at the seven cafes suitable for dating in Shanghai.


3. Hanyuan Bookstore

Address: 27 Shaoxing Road, Luwan District, Shanghai (near Ruijin second Road)

Reason for recommendation: just for er Dongqiang's name, I have to go once. Unlike the people coming and going in Tianzifang, there is a feeling of absolute quietness and reading here. Like to sit next to the road seat, the gloomy afternoon can also call the green light on the table. Stroll around and accidentally find a pool of goldfish, as if crossing back to the exquisite boudoir in the south of the Yangtze River.


4. Lhasa 39 s BOOK CAFE & WINE

Add: 195 Changde Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai (near Nanjing West Road)

Reason for recommendation: celebrity effect is not allowed


5. Old Mac Cafe

Address: 25A Taojiang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai (Baoqing Road, Taojiang Road, near Hengshan Road)

Reason for recommendation: slightly difficult to find, very famous. It is not so much nostalgia as following Lao Mai to miss his story. Without the delicate charm of little girls, men with slightly messy and vicissitudes of memory, just this point, can not find a second shop. The guests and owners of the shop are very casual, and there is a slightly lazy cat.


6. Home Garden

Add: room 106, Debiyi Garden Multimedia Creative Park, 492 Anhua Road, Changning District, Shanghai (near Triumph Road)

Recommended reason: a store that is hard to find. It's the same tone as small gardens and secret gardens. But why recommend this restaurant? first, the price is reasonable (there are group purchases from time to time); but the cake is delicious. Recommend the lemon tower. I like the attic on the second floor. It feels like a dormer window. Look down on me. Zhang ailing three words, let this bookstore and coffee shop really sit up the price. I can't take pictures yet. Fortunately, the environment is not bad.

If you want to ask the preferred place for dating, the cafe is one of them. Let's take a look at the seven cafes suitable for dating in Shanghai.


7. Tima Harbour (Zhenning Store)

Add: 11 Zhenning Road, Changning District, Shanghai (near Zhaohua East Road)

Recommended reason: the legendary coffee shop that can eat cheesecake with happiness. The cake is really good, but I don't think it's that exaggerated. But at night, in a good mood, candles, roses, red tablecloths. It's a little bit like the tone written by Zhang ailing.