Coffee review

Coffee shop design boutique coffee shop decoration design key points

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, First, the store design with good image design principles not only beautifies the coffee shop, but more importantly, leaves a good impression on consumers, plays the purpose of attracting customers and expanding sales. The prerequisite for store design is to grasp the trend of the times. In the appearance of the store, the shop head, the store, the use of color, shape, sound and other skills to show. The more prominent the personality, the easier it is to attract people's attention. one

I. principles of image design of cafes

Good store design, not only beautify the cafe, more importantly, leave a good impression on consumers, play the purpose of attracting customers and expanding sales. The prerequisite for store design is to grasp the trend of the times. In the appearance of the store, the shop head, the store, the use of color, shape, sound and other skills to show. The more prominent the personality, the easier it is to attract people's attention.

1. The design of the storefront must be in line with the characteristics of the cafe, and reflect the operating characteristics of the cafe in terms of appearance and style.

2. It should conform to the "taste" of the main users.

3. The decoration of the storefront should fully consider whether it is coordinated with the original architectural style and the surrounding storefronts. Although the "individual" is eye-catching, once it makes consumers feel "vulgar", they will lose their trust.

4, decoration should be concise, would rather be "insufficient", not "excessive", should not use too much line segmentation and color rendering, avoid any excessive decoration, do not let users feel "too tired".

5, the color of the storefront should be unified and harmonized, and any blunt and strong contrast should not be used.

6, the font size on the signboard should be appropriate, too thick will make the signboard appear too crowded, easy to destroy the overall layout, you can highlight the shop name through the background color, the shop name should be simple and easy to understand, easy to remember, and do not use wild grass or foreign letters except for special needs.

Second, the shaping of the atmosphere of cafes

When consumers drink coffee, they respond not only to the physical and substantive attractiveness of coffee, but also to the whole environment, such as service, advertising, impression, packaging, fun and other incidental factors. One of the most important factors is the leisure environment. If the scope is further reduced, it refers to the atmosphere in the cafe, which can have an impact on consumers' decision to drink coffee.

Therefore, coffee shop operators for the performance of business space, how to skillfully use space aesthetics to design an ideal coffee drinking environment, and to improve the drinking rate of customers to produce emotional effect, this is the significance of shaping the atmosphere of the cafe.

When drinking coffee, customers often choose cafes that suit their needs. Therefore, when planning a cafe atmosphere, the following key points must be considered:

1. Determine whose customer target should be taken first.

2. Based on their coffee drinking experience, what are their expectations for the atmosphere of the cafe?

3. Find out which atmosphere can enhance customers' trust in cafes and arouse emotional reactions.

4. The conceived atmosphere should be compared with that of competitive stores in order to analyze each other's advantages and disadvantages.

At the same time, on the occasion of the performance of the atmosphere, the coffee brands operated by the coffee shop must be sold cautiously and fully felt by the customers through the whole business space, so the skill and effect of coffee display, it is the key to the strategic application of shaping the overall atmosphere.

Third, the lighting effect of the cafe

The neon lights in general stores represent the best lighting effect. Of course, the light of the cafe is not limited to neon lights, the use of light is first of all to guide customers to enter, in the appropriate light to taste coffee. Therefore, the total brightness of the light should be lower than the surrounding, in order to show the characteristics of the coffee shop, so that the coffee shop to form an elegant leisure environment, so that customers can follow the light to enter the warm cafe. If the light is too dim, it will make the cafe show a dull feeling, which is not good for customers to taste coffee.

Second, light is used to draw customers' attention to coffee. Therefore, the dimly lit bar, coffee may seem old and mysterious attraction.

Coffee products are mainly brown. Dark and darker coffee will absorb more light, so if you use a softer fluorescent lamp, the atmosphere of the whole cafe will be more comfortable.

General interior decoration design, color tone had better use bright color, lighting effect is better, however, it is not to say that all dark background is not good, sometimes for practical needs, emphasize the contrast between light color and background, and hit the spotlight on coffee utensils, more can make coffee brand conspicuous or rich three-dimensional sense.

Lighting is used purely for lighting or for decoration. Generally speaking, light-colored walls, such as white and beige, can reflect a large amount of light, up to 90%, while dark backgrounds, such as dark blue, dark green and brown, can only reflect 5-10% of the light.

IV. Coffee display

Although the composition and configuration of the goods in the whole cafe have gone through systematic classification and collocation, if we fail to use the skills of display and display at the time of performance, we will only "lie" the goods on the bar, unable to show the vitality of coffee. Also failed to shape the characteristics of coffee, the result is still to no avail. However, the so-called "display" is not what we usually refer to as window display or special location display. In the operation of cafes, the display should refer to all kinds of displays in the lobby. It must include three major display items:

1. Supplementary display

Supplementary display is the widest part of the display, and the display space in the whole store is full of goods. As the focus of the display is on sales, the performance of the display should focus on the richness and characteristics of the coffee brand.

2. Display and display

Display refers to the display window of the cafe and the display of specific areas in the bar. As the display is to show the combination effect of key coffee, and at the same time has the role of inducing customers, so the display must clearly play a theme in order to attract customers.

3. Emphasize display

It is emphasized that display is a display form between supplementary display and display display. In order to promote the effect of sales in each location, it is necessary to make use of the space on the wall, wider access, shelves or bar space for coffee and drinks in this location. Select a representative coffee display.

Summing up the above three points, we can see that the role of coffee display is to show the characteristics of coffee by using a variety of display techniques, together with the use of equipment and decoration. One is to promote sales, and the other is to show the atmosphere of the whole cafe, so the effect of advertising must be grasped. First of all, with regard to the appeal of advertising, although the supplementary display in the lobby occupies a lot of space for the sake of sales, in order to achieve the specific performance of the advertising appeal, it is necessary to display the display and emphasize the use of the display in part, so that the key coffee brands can show it.