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Coffee shop dating isn't all about romance. The dim light is relaxing.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many young people like to arrange their first date in the evening, to the kind of cafe that only lights candles. Is it just because the atmosphere is romantic? It's not that simple. Psychologists have found that under normal circumstances, people who are not familiar with each other decide their speech and behavior according to each other's reactions and external conditions, especially those who do not know each other very well but are willing to continue to communicate.

Many young people like to arrange their first dates at night and go to cafes that only light candles. Is it just because of the romantic atmosphere?

It's not that simple. Psychologists have found that under normal circumstances, people who are not familiar with each other decide their words and actions according to each other's reactions and external conditions, especially those who do not know much but are willing to continue to interact. They not only have a sense of vigilance, but will try their best to show their good aspects and hide their weaknesses and shortcomings. In places where the light is dim, if the two sides of the date can't see each other's expressions clearly, it's easy to reduce their vigilance and increase sense of security, and the possibility of getting close to each other is much higher than that in brighter places. This phenomenon is also known as the "dark effect".

The "dark effect" also explains why strangers are more likely to get to know each other and even fall in love with each other in dimly lit bars and ballrooms than in ordinary situations, because too bright light can make people not relax, thus increasing their vigilance and vigilance.

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