Coffee review

Key coffee shop experience in hiring good staff

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Hiring and managing employees is an aspect in which most enterprises invest considerable energy, but the management effect is very limited. Usually, the employment of employees is a passive process, there is no plan in advance, and recruitment is usually started when there is a shortage of staff. This way of dealing with recruiters has set the tone on the relationship between the company and its employees, which is a lack of strategy and

Hiring and managing employees is an aspect in which most enterprises invest considerable energy, but the management effect is very limited. Usually, the employment of employees is a passive process, there is no plan in advance, and recruitment is usually started when there is a shortage of staff.

This way of dealing with recruiters has set the tone on the relationship between the company and employees, which is a lack of strategic and organizational, unplanned and hectic response.

Many small businesses have the following common problems in hiring and managing employees:

The hiring heart is too hasty.

Many successful key decisions are made on the basis of rigorous analysis and investigation, and have a clear goal in mind. For example, choosing the location of a cafe is usually based on an objective analysis of traffic, parking spaces, population density and other factors. However, many hiring decisions are made on the basis of subjective experience, for example, the current manpower is too busy. Can not meet the needs of a large number of customers should be the most important factor, followed by other potential factors, including: unreasonable distribution of personnel, unreasonable furnishings in the store, service is too complex and so on. Before hiring employees, you must know why you want to increase the number of employees in this position. Many positions are easy to evaluate, such as chef. But many jobs are difficult to estimate, such as: how many waiters do you need in a cafe? The criteria for defining hiring plans and determining success and effectiveness are whether you have a clear organizational structure and constantly update the job description of each position. It sounds like there is no need for such a big fight in a small business, but it will be an effective way to operate. Even a simple staffing structure table can clearly see which positions are missing and which are duplicated?

It is too procrastinating to fire employees.

No one wants to be a bad boss, but there is little hope that employees will spontaneously become dedicated to their work. And some bad behavior will continue until the outbreak of conflict, such conflicts are often filled with a variety of emotions, then it is difficult to make the right decision. In such a fierce conflict, there are only two consequences for firing employees:

First, the boss will no longer recruit new people, and the original employees will fill the gaps in the functions of the existing positions, so that the employees will work longer hours and the workload of each position will increase.

Another consequence is that it may lead to the first problem mentioned, that is, hiring is too hasty, leading to a vicious circle.

Generally speaking, once you have the idea that an employee is not doing well, you should plan and take action in a timely manner. Of course, no matter what measures are taken, they should be based on open communication.

Step 1: explain in detail to your employee what you expect from the function of the position, and why you think he hasn't met your expectations in the position. a detailed organization chart and job functions will be of great help. Be sure to give them a chance to explain that they may have a reasonable explanation that you have never paid attention to. Maybe if you solve this problem, you can also solve the problem of personnel.

Step 2: find ways and specific ways to improve, which some people call "job performance management" or "job supervision". Whether or not you tell your employees how much you want them to get the job done, there are only two ways to solve the problem, and it's easier to solve the problem or fire the employee. This is not only for fairness, but also for the management of strategies and plans.

The third step: to improve the positive performance must be rewarded, but also to communicate first. If an employee is positive about improving work performance, he is usually willing to take on more responsibility, which is also a reward for you as an employer. If they are not at all, there is no need to deal with them any more, and they should be dismissed immediately. It sounds rough, and you can treat them in a fairer way, a) tell them honestly what you want, b) give them a chance to tell you how they feel, and c) agree on a solution that will satisfy you and allay their concerns. If they still don't improve after trying everything, I don't think there is a better way than to fire them.

Hire employees because of certain skills or knowledge

Verification of resume and work experience. I've never seen a resume without gold and silver, and I'll be equally surprised if I meet a potential employee who doesn't plan to dazzle my resume. People with some skills usually have a temper, but hiring employees with "good or bad work attitude" is a safer strategy than relying on their resumes and job referral surveys. Those who are ready to interview and show themselves are usually enthusiastic and confident about taking responsibility. "work attitude" is the most different measure of work performance. If a person really wants this job, he must have a good attitude.

Finally, what else needs to be solved?

Work contract! Despite everything said and done, employers and employees still need to define the rights and obligations of both parties in the form of legal instruments, which is a measure to protect both parties. On the basis that employers and employees understand each other's expectations, a clear and complete employee contract can avoid many problems, such as the job description and job description, which should also be part of the contract. However, there is no need to come up with a contract with obscure and complicated words. the simpler and clearer the contract, the easier it is to understand and enforce it. For a job in a cafe, whether it's a full-time, part-time or part-time job, there should be one or two rewards and penalties in the contract, preferably no more than three pages. The contract should include some necessary provisions, such as position, salary, working hours and termination clauses, and avoid contradictory or inexplicable terms.

Brief introduction of the author:

Michael Drummond is a director of corporate services for Di Bella Coffee. Michael is a registered lawyer who has worked for Di Bella for more than 2 years. Prior to working for the company, Michael worked at the firm and has more than 10 years of legal service and consulting experience in the service industry.

Di Bella is a well-known and sizeable coffee company in Australia with cafes, baking and training services. Its main store next to CBD in Sydney sells more than 1500 cups of takeaway coffee every morning.