Coffee review

Coffee shop designer classic coffee shop management

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, As a place to drink and taste coffee, the coffee shop has experienced a long history of evolution. Nowadays, there are no taboos and restrictions on the style of coffee shops, at least in architecture and decoration, and the popular trend is eclecticism and mixed style. The popularity of coffee shops, also known as cafes in the earliest days, is synchronized with the drink itself.

As a place to drink and taste coffee, the coffee shop has experienced a long history of evolution. Nowadays, there are no taboos and restrictions on the style of coffee shops, at least in architecture and decoration, and the popular trend is eclecticism and mixed style.

The popularity of coffee shops, also known as cafes in the earliest days, is synchronized with the drink itself, dating back centuries. It is said that the world's first cafe was built in Mecca in the 15th century and later in Europe. In England, the earliest coffee shop opened in Oxford, England in 1650, and the earliest coffee shop in Venice began in 1683. Since then, the industry has been expanding, and to this day there is still no sign of stopping. Coffee shops in many places have become social gathering places where intellectuals, artists, thinkers or writers preach their knowledge, ideas or philosophy while sipping a cup of tea or coffee. In some countries, they are also called by various names. For example, in Turkey, these people are called "Wisdom", while in England, they were once called "copperplate universities".

Today, the spirit of the coffee shop remains the same, but some ideas have changed considerably. Although the coffee shop is still a place where people meet, it is also an alternative place for leisure and entertainment. Today's coffee shops have undergone great changes compared with those in major cities around the world in the 17th century.

The new understanding of the industry also explains another phenomenon, which is what many cafes introduced in this book have in common, that is, the new cafes are multi-functional places that can accommodate a variety of activities. Coffee shop is not just a place to drink coffee. This book carefully selects some different styles of coffee shop to illustrate what kind of concept the new coffee shop is. Its design style swings between the ancient tradition and the most avant-garde and modern image.

The examples in the book are typical of today's innovative style and tomorrow's classic style. At the same time, these examples are not the fixed pattern of coffee shop design. The purpose of this book is to explain how today's internationally famous architects put their creativity and inspiration into the design, which they think is a response to the needs of the times and customers.

The design examples shown in the book are not necessarily the best, and perhaps there are many more wonderful design examples that are not included, which we deeply regret. However, there is no doubt that the examples in the book are examples of the best coffee shops today, and there are reasons for their praise. Some designs follow the rules, some run counter to tradition, some are original, and some conform to the mainstream. These designs fully demonstrate the decoration, layout, architectural style and historical characteristics of the coffee shop. In short, every design is full of vitality.

This book also aims to provide a complete reference for those who are interested in experiencing these cafes around the world. Indeed, these cafes are really worth knowing and experiencing.


Marlin Cafe

Conde Nast Cafe

Lotus Cafe

Ross Zuritos Cafe

Parmenhouse Cafe

When Steed Cafe

Independent coffee shop

Gloria Cafe

Pasio bridge branch of the coffee chain

Coffee chain Otto Palamo branch

Coffee chain Bodo Madero branch

Florida branch of coffee chain

Coffee chain Ricklita branch

Manry Cafe

Lalios Cafe

Paliken Cafe

Zero Point Cafe

La Satolia Cafe

Fivaret Cafe

Cecia Cafe