Coffee review

On the Development of Chinese Food from the successful experience of Starbucks

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A few days ago, I carefully read the success case of Starbucks and found that the secret of its success and core values is that the relationship theory revolves around the relationship between people, and always runs through the company's business. So Starbucks was able to develop one of the world's oldest coffee into a distinctive, lasting, high value-added brand. Looking back on the development of Chinese food in China

A few days ago, I carefully read the success story of Starbucks and found that the secret of its success and core values lies in the "relationship theory", which revolves around the "relationship" between people and runs through the company's business. So Starbucks was able to develop one of the world's oldest coffee into a distinctive, lasting, high value-added brand.

Looking back at the development of Chinese food in China, you will find several phenomena:

1. Chinese food is a fast-growing industry after China's reform and opening up, but almost no one has been able to go out to the world and set up chain stores abroad like Starbucks.

2. The birthplace of Chinese food is in China, which is the most authentic, while foreign Chinese restaurants are almost mutated and the taste is not as good as that at home. Therefore, when foreign friends, ethnic Chinese and overseas students come to China, they all hope to have a delicious Chinese meal as soon as possible.

3. Chinese food has become a delicious delicacy welcomed by customers all over the world. It is very respectful to be able to treat you to a good Chinese meal abroad, and of course the price of the treat will not be small.

4. Chinese people are best at talking about "relationships", and relationships and connections have always been a very important factor in the work and life of Chinese people.


1. What hinders the internationalization of Chinese food?

2. Why didn't Chinese food form a chain restaurant abroad?

3. What is missing in the study of relations and human relations in China?

4. Why can't Chinese food become a high-end diet like French food?

5. How to create a high-end brand of Chinese food?