Coffee review

CAFFE PASCUCCI Centennial Italian Coffee popular Coffee pattern or reorganization

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, CAFFE PASCUCC's Espresso condenses the essence of Italian coffee for a century and a half. CAFFE PASCUCCI Italian headquarters barista stays in the shop to perform coffee hand-pulled flowers, imported coffee beans in CAFFE PASCUCCI store, rich Italian style hand-painted decoration in CAFFE PASCUCCI airport store, with the domestic consumption level becoming higher and higher, coffee is a western beverage culture that is slow.

CAFFE PASCUCC Espresso concentrates the essence of Italian coffee for a century and a half

CAFFE PASCUCCI Italian headquarters coffee shop resident performance coffee hand-pulled flowers

CAFFE PASCUCCI imported coffee beans in the shop

CAFFE PASCUCCI Airport Store Italian style hand-painted decoration

As the domestic consumption level becomes higher and higher, coffee, a western beverage culture, is slowly accepted by more Chinese people, and coffee culture has begun to permeate people's lives. Coffee is not only used to refresh the way, it more represents the fashion and taste, and ultimately reflects the high quality elegant modern lifestyle. Italian coffee, as a time-honored example of orthodoxy, often reflects a coffee lover's taste more than French coffee's fancy, American coffee's crash, and is prepared for real coffee connoisseurs. CAFFE PASCUCCI, an Italian century-old coffee brand, entered the domestic market at the beginning of the year and won unanimous praise from the media as soon as it opened. It has become a "black horse" in the fiercely competitive coffee market in China, which also confirms that Italian coffee, a "decent family", is receiving more and more recognition. According to relevant personage analysis in the industry, CAFFE PASCUCCI's entry into China this time will probably rewrite the current Chinese coffee market pattern dominated by American coffee, leading the unprecedented Italian coffee trend.

Italian coffee returns to conquer the market with quality, culture and unique coffee experiences

American coffee culture represented by Starbucks was once popular. However, the reporter found that with the coffee shops blooming everywhere in the country, traditional Italian coffee and traditional Italian coffee culture have quietly warmed up. According to the head of CAFFE PASCUCCI, the biggest advantage of Italian coffee lies in Espresso as a "base". "CAFFE PASCUCCI was able to conquer media people who always had crafty tastes in a short period of time, and the quality of authentic Espresso was indispensable."

Espresso is known by coffee connoisseurs as the "soul of coffee" and is the essence of Italian coffee, from which all the Italian coffee derived today comes. It is characterized by the use of vapor pressure to extract coffee instantly, the practice is very simple, but the taste is particularly strong, generally will drink. Mocha, latte and cappuccino, which are popular in China, are processed on the basis of Espresso with milk, chocolate and other materials. Espresso is characterized by a fairly stable taste, and once its formula is confirmed, it will not change for decades. Just like CAFFE PASCUCCI's Espresso classic formula.

CAFFE PASCUCCI pays great attention to emotional marketing and conquers consumers with ubiquitous details. In addition to inviting baristas from Italy headquarters to China from time to time to prepare and introduce coffee tasting knowledge and Italian coffee culture to customers on site, customers can also participate in coffee flower making, unique coffee experience way makes consumers refreshing. The reporter learned that the mugs and glasses used in CAFFE PASCUCCI were imported exclusively from Italy; the decoration in the store, from layout, color matching to each pair of wall carvings, was also designed and produced by Italian artists who flew to Beijing. Inside the shop, everyone is infected by the strong Italian style, which makes it quickly jump into one of the popular cafes in Beijing.

And if a coffee brand wants to stabilize consumers for a long time, marketing alone is not enough. The most important thing is, of course, the key coffee fragrance. Coffee aroma mainly comes from coffee beans, only high-quality coffee beans can make pure and delicious coffee. The cultivation of coffee beans all over the world is mainly concentrated in Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, Indonesia and Vietnam. In these main coffee producing areas, many internationally renowned coffee brands have also been bred, including CAFFE PASCUCCI.

Coffee beans from planting to roasting, CAFFE PASCUCCI is most proud of the link. It is reported that CAFFE PASCUCCI coffee beans mainly come from European organic certification Big BIO Haiti(Haiti big organic project), is Haiti pure natural planting method harvested natural organic coffee beans. The harvested coffee beans are transported to the plant in Montecerino, Italy, where they are stored, processed and roasted. This is also CAFFE PASCUCCI's only coffee bean production site in the world. Its humidity and air composition are very conducive to the extension of coffee beans 'later taste. Different varieties of coffee beans will be tailor-made in this suitable storage environment, and finally reach the perfect state. During the baking process, CAFFE PASCUCCI uses an exclusive patented "slow baking" process to complete the baking, and finally harvest the best baking effect.

In addition, sorbet is a well-known Italian health drink that blends perfectly with coffee at CAFFE PASCUCCI. Consumers can taste coffee sorbet and chocolate sorbet, the only drinks in Beijing. The base materials of these two sherbet "coffee sherbet powder and chocolate sherbet powder" are also imported from Italy headquarters, which shows the brand's confidence and professional strength.

CAFFE PASCUCCI breaks through the encirclement of domestic coffee pattern or reorganization

In a century and a half of history, CAFFE PASCUCCI has always adhered to tradition and innovation, and finally achieved this century-old Italian classic coffee brand. Since its founding in 1883, CAFFE PASCUCCI has been run by the PASCUCCI family for more than 130 years. PASCUCCI family focuses on the pure Italian coffee culture dissemination, will carry forward the traditional Italian style pull flower craft, become the unique symbol of the brand, conquered France, Russia, South Korea and other more than 30 countries in the world, in the world has more than 500 stores.

"Wherever you are in the world, walk into a CAFFE PASCUCCI store and you will enjoy the same quality of coffee, experience and service." This is CAFFE PASCUCCI's solemn commitment to consumers. CAFFE PASCUCCI's famous SLOGAN: "A perfect place to start your day." It is placed in the most eye-catching position on the table, and every time a cup of handmade coffee is prepared, CAFFE PASCUCCI baristas practice the creed of "perfect a cup of coffee to the last sip".

With the rise of Italian coffee represented by CAFFE PASCUCCI, the majority of coffee lovers in China can enjoy a cup of pure and delicious Italian coffee without going abroad. Original imported brand, professional and unique coffee experience, artistic leisure space, good brand reputation, excellent product quality and flexible promotion methods, the market pattern monopolized by American coffee for a long time is brewing. The head of CAFFE PASCUCCI Italy headquarters said that it is optimistic about the huge potential and market demand contained in Chinese coffee beverages. According to the analysis of professionals in the industry, CAFFE PASCUCCI is more competitive in terms of brand, product or channel. Now it is high-profile to enter the Chinese coffee market, and it is believed that a new pattern will soon be formed.