Coffee review

Decoration and operation of photography-themed cafes

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is the thing that gives us positive energy, maybe it is the ordinary and tiny things. We often see milk, coffee, coffee beans, powder sticks, filter handles, lifestyle magazines and pots of succulent plants on the coffee shop table. And we can often see these scenes in fashion magazines. These cafes are full of ordinary and tiny objects.

Coffee is the thing that gives us positive energy, maybe it is the ordinary and tiny things. We often see milk, coffee, coffee beans, powder sticks, filter handles, lifestyle magazines and pots of succulent plants on the coffee shop table. And we can often see these scenes in fashion magazines.

The ordinary and tiny objects in these cafes are filled with every corner of the cafe. In 2014, the decoration of the coffee shop is mostly based on log color, with all kinds of flowers and plants, and orange lights under the white lampshade, which makes people warm as soon as they enter the door. On the bookshelf occupying the whole wall, cameras, books, and green plants are staggered, and if you pull out one, you can spend the whole afternoon. Such a cozy life is exactly what the cafe can bring to everyone.



Therefore, some characteristic cafes come into being. Below is a cafe with the theme of photography. Its name is derived from the concept of photography, which refers to the focal length of the lens. Anyone who has played photography knows that the photo taken by this focal length is just close to the natural perspective of the human eye, so it is most suitable for capturing and recording moments of life.

35mm is a "natural" and "simple" lens, now the pace of society is so fast, everyone's life is very busy, there are a lot of busy things to deal with every day, and many times people feel pushed by life. The existence of 35mm is to build a place similar to the study at home, to give people a rest, to read books and drink coffee, or to sit down and chat and share each other's lives in the living room, which may be the original intention of the boss to open a shop.



Cafes that take the "natural and simple" route always attract guests who are equally approachable. There will be people who will meet here and get married; others will sit here and talk about breaking up crying over coffee; and there will be mothers coming with their children, happily eating muffins, and mothers will be busy taking pictures of her. "there are a lot of short stories, all of which are natural and ordinary and live a lot of life. This is just like the meaning of photography, which allows people to record fragments of their lives through photography, share each other's life time, and let more people resonate with the concept of "this is good".


This is good, not only represents that the food provided in the coffee shop tastes just right, neither salty nor light, but also represents that the lifestyle advocated by the shopkeeper is just right, neither more nor less. In this materialistic society, we all run forward non-stop, want to decorate our lives with a little more elegant demeanor, but ignore the happiness that is still in our hands. "the world is too big, and our hearts are small. Every day, we are doing our best, and occasionally, we can steal some time to give our mood a holiday. "




