Coffee review

Quality Coffee Certification Organization UTZ Certified quality Coffee Certification

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In Mayan language, UTZ means quality. UTZ Certification body is an independent organization that certifies all kinds of quality coffee, tea and cocoa in the world. UTZ certification, also known as good coffee (tea / cocoa) certification, refers to the responsible coffee (tea / cocoa) mark recognized by UTZ after the production of coffee (tea / cocoa) has passed environmental, social and economic independent audit standards. UTZ certification

In Mayan, UTZ means "quality." UTZ Certification is an independent organization that certifies the world's finest coffee, tea and cocoa. UTZ certification, also known as Good Coffee (Tea/Cocoa) certification, means that coffee (Tea/Cocoa) production has passed environmental, social and economic independent audit standards, and UTZ gives recognition to the responsible coffee (Tea/Cocoa) mark. UTZ certification covers every step of production from coffee (tea/cocoa) cultivation to processing.



The Code of Practice for the Certification of Fine Coffee (Tea/Cocoa) is an internationally recognized set of standards that include economic, social and environmental criteria to be followed for responsible coffee (tea/cocoa) production. Producers (plantation owners or smallholder groups) who comply with this rule may seek certification.

The Chain of Custody Requirements are a set of regulatory and technical rules that provide a high degree of assurance as to the origin of quality certified coffee (tea/cocoa). Producers, mills, exporters, importers, warehouses, traders, processors, packers and brands complying with this Chain of Custody Requirements for Quality Coffee (Tea/Cocoa) Certification may seek certification.

The UTZ certification program is based on the EurepGAP standard, which means that all UTZ-certified coffee (tea/cocoa) meets the EurepGAP standard.

UTZ CERTIFIED stated that the establishment of the program was one of the main reasons driving the growth in certification demand." The Codes for Coffee, Cocoa and Tea comply with market requirements. Meanwhile, UTZ CERTIFIED analyses the main sticking points for farmers on those issues that most affect productivity and sustainability. This practice demonstrates that corporate social responsibility actually brings (economic) value to the environment and farmers in the country of origin, as well as to companies in the country of purchase.

Strong growth in certified cocoa supply

In addition to coffee farmers, UTZ CERTIFIED trains cocoa farmers to become professionals and responsible entrepreneurs. As the number of cocoa farmers certified by UTZ CERTIFIED continues to grow globally, the supply of sustainably produced cocoa will continue to grow strongly for some time to come. Currently, cocoa producers are certified in Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, Ecuador, Viet Nam, Nigeria, Uganda, Congo, Peru, Dominican Republic and Tanzania.

UTZ CERTIFIED Launches Code of Conduct for Rooibos

To further promote sustainability in the tea industry, UTZ CERTIFIED has taken a very important step-launching the Code of Conduct for Rooibos. It is also the first internationally recognized standard for mainstream Rooibos teas designed for sustainable development. Four producers and two processors in the pilot project have been certified.

Farmers 'independence has increased

Today, more than 160,000 smallholder coffee, tea and cocoa farmers and plantation owners have been certified by UTZ CERTIFIED. This means that the independence of many farmers has been strengthened. Farmers received professional training in agricultural practices and management. This not only improves the quality of their products, but also enables them to produce more at lower cost. This in turn enables farmers to sell their quality products at better prices, thereby improving their standard of living. In addition, farmers who partner with UTZ CERTIFIED on global markets receive a premium on crop prices and do not have to pay anything to participate in the program.