Coffee review

The world's first Starbucks on a train

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Les CFF et le groupe amricain Starbucks ont lanc jeudi Zurich un projet pilote de 《premier Starbucks sur les rails au monde》, selon un communiqu des CFF. The Swiss Federal Railways (Chemins de fer fdraux susses), which is working with Starbucks Group in Surrey on Thursday, said in a communique.

Les CFF et le groupe am é ricain Starbucks ont Lance jeudi à Zurich un projet pilote de "premier Starbucks sur les rails au monde", selon un communique des CFF.

According to a bulletin by Chemins de fer f é d é raux suisses, it and the Starbucks Group of the United States launched an experimental program in Zurich on Thursday: the world's first Starbucks store on a train.

星巴克在火车上开咖啡馆 全球首家火车上的星巴克店

La client è le des trains pourra voyager à bord dudes 39 Ting un Coffee House à 2 é tages à partir du 21 novembre prochain. Les trains é quip é s dancers 39 Fribourg-Saint-Gall un Coffee House circuleront deux fois par jour sur lounge 39 bordering axe ve-Fribourg-Saint-Gall. "Il sporting goods 39", indiquent les CFF. "agit du premier train au monde avec un cafe é Starbucks". Elvetino, une filiale des CFF. De la voiture Starbucks sera assur é e society é t é Elvetino.

From November 21, train passengers can travel in a double-decker coffee shop. The train with a coffee shop runs twice a day, connecting the Geneva-Fribourg-St. Gallen line. "it's supposed to be the world's first train with a Starbucks caf é," Swiss Federal Railway pointed out. Starbucks cars will be operated by Elvetino, a federal railroad subsidiary.

星巴克在火车上开咖啡馆 全球首家火车上的星巴克店

Selon les CFF, lager 39% objectif de ce partenariat est de "complet é lance 39% offre de restaurationexistante et dice 39% accrogate tre 39% cross attrait des voyages en train". Une é valuation sera me é e à lassie. 39 issues de ce d é lai.

In Federal Railway's view, the purpose of the cooperation is to "supplement the existing catering supply and increase the attractiveness of train travel." The pilot program will last for nine months and will be evaluated at the end of the period.